I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 119 Helping You Massage

Chapter 119 Helping You Massage
"This is a matter between you and the chief. As an outsider, I shouldn't interrupt."

Cheng Luo patted Su Qiao on the shoulder: "Bringing you here without applying in advance, I have violated the confidentiality law, and I can't do unnecessary things to damage your relationship."

"here it is……"

Su Qiao heard the word Secrecy Law.

A proud smile appeared on the corner of Cheng Luo's mouth: "Otherwise, why do you think we gathered together!"

"Then what will happen to me! I've come to a place I shouldn't be, and I might have seen something I shouldn't have seen! Will I be silenced!"

Su Qiao was so frightened that her little heart almost jumped out.

Cheng Luo was speechless.

"Ever since you were spotted by the chief and became his woman, you have been in a position where you could be silenced at any time."


Su Qiao's face turned blue.

It was he who raped her, it was he who forcibly married her, it was his adjutant who brought her to this place on his own initiative!
Why was she the one who might be silenced!

So unfair!
Su Qiao raised her head, with tears in the corners of her eyes: "Sister Cheng, I'm still young, I don't want to..."

Cheng Luo's heart trembled with the tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, the chief is already dealing with the matter of bringing you to the forbidden area privately. In the past few days, you stay quietly in the house, and you can do whatever the chief tells you to do. After the turmoil subsides, someone will send you away."


Su Qiao repeatedly agreed.

Cheng Luo took out another mobile phone: "The network and signal here are independent systems. If you want to go online, you can use this mobile phone."

Su Qiao took the phone and felt that Cheng Luo was really kind to her.

Cheng Luo saw that she was satisfied so easily, and felt that the chief's choice was not as bad as he thought.


At night, Gong Yueming came back.

The door opened silently, and the man walked in with a tired expression. Behind him were several soldiers in scientific research clothes, all of different ages, but without exception, much older than Gong Yueming. The oldest one was more than enough to be her grandfather.

Su Qiao hurriedly stood up: "My lord—"

"Why haven't you left yet!"

Gong Yueming's mouth twitched.

Su Qiao smiled and said, "Sister Cheng said to take me back the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow..."

Gong Yueming sat down and glanced at the people outside the door: "You guys rest first!"

When everyone heard the words, they gave a military salute in unison: "Good night, chief! Good night, madam!"

After speaking, the door was closed silently, blocking the sound.

Su Qiao leaned against the wall and looked at Gong Yueming: "They belong to you..."

"One of my soldiers is worth ten divisions."

Gong Yueming's face was tired, but the corner of his mouth was proud.

Su Qiao saw that his face was full of tiredness, so she walked into the bathroom, and while running the water, she asked, "How much water do you like?"

"The water temperature is set."

Gong Yueming said lazily, undressed and walked into the bathroom.

Su Qiao didn't leave.

Gong Yueming was surprised: "Why do you..."

"You look very tired, I want to stay and give you a massage..."

Su Qiao couldn't accept Gong Yueming from the first bad experience and the series of domineering behaviors afterwards, but this did not hinder her respect for his profession.

She even admired him a little bit.

A super elite who is a standard school bully, with a handsome appearance comparable to that of a male god...

If there is no son Yu, she will sink into his love without hesitation like drowning!
Even now, she wants to be a goldfish with only three seconds of memory, temporarily forget the unpleasant past, and spend a period of time with him like a fool without shame or impatience.

(End of this chapter)

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