I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 120 Wife Meets Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 120 Wife Meets Ex-Girlfriend

After the incident, Su Qiao lay on the bed biting her handkerchief in embarrassment and annoyance: Why is Mo Qiaoqiao's body so useless, and even after being reborn, I will become a good-for-nothing!Even this kind of thing... can't refuse!Such an unreasonable request, why do I still...

"What are you thinking? The mouth is full of bad looks..."

The man suddenly came over, and his breath surrounded Su Qiao's body again.

"...Nothing! Nothing~"

Su Qiao was so frightened that she froze all over. She didn't want to be forced to practice by a man after making a wrong answer!
"It's really nothing? Why did I seem to hear you scolding me just now..."

"... Auditory hallucinations! It's auditory hallucinations... No, it's sleep talk! I have the habit of talking in sleep..."

Su Qiao lied all over her mouth, Gong Yueming's aura was too strong, she didn't even have the guts to say no.

"Talking in your sleep is not a good habit."

The man curled Su Qiao's lips with his fingers, then put his hands around her, leaned his head against her, and soon let out a steady breathing sound.

Su Qiao was hugged in his arms like a pillow, she was so frightened that she didn't move, and she fell asleep in a daze until dawn.


When he woke up, Gong Yueming had already left.

Su Qiao saw that there was not only breakfast on the table, but also a newly bloomed rose, and she smiled: So he also knows how to send flowers!
At this time, the door opened, and Cheng Luo walked up to Su Qiao with a serious face: "Get ready, someone will take you out of the base in half an hour! Remember, try not to talk or look around on the road."

"I know, I understand."

Su Qiao didn't want to die of curiosity.

After changing her clothes, Su Qiao started to eat breakfast. Seeing her cute appearance, Cheng Luo couldn't help muttering, "It would be great if you had a background worthy of the chief!"

Su Qiao heard her muttering, and raised her head: "With such a good background, I won't be who I am now!"

"That's right, people are easily changed by the environment. If your identity matches him enough, your personality is likely to become the one he dislikes the most..."

While talking, Cheng Luo fell silent.

Su Qiao knew that it was better to pretend to be dumb at this time.

After another half an hour, the person who sent Su Qiao away came, and Su Qiao obediently covered her eyes.

Passing through the metal echoing corridor, boarding the express train that was faster than the audio frequency, and taking the super long elevator for 5 minutes after getting off the bus, Su Qiao finally breathed the taste of nature again.

"That's it!"

After speaking, the driver took off the black blindfold for Su Qiao.

Su Qiao looked around, the continuous green hills, the continuous green, and the wet grass with hares and birds running around and screaming.Not far away, there are gun guards walking around.

"Where is this place? A forest park or a military base?"


The sergeant said indifferently, and brought Su Qiao into a military jeep.

The windows are closed for excellent insulation.


After bumping the mountain road for more than an hour, Jeep stopped in front of the sentry post. The sergeant asked Su Qiao to get off the car and returned her mobile phone to her. Su Qiao also returned the temporary mobile phone Cheng Luo had given her to the sergeant.

The sergeant took the phone, gave a military salute, and pointed to the red flag car outside the sentry post: "Xiao Li is responsible for taking you home!"

"OK, thanks!"

Su Qiao passed through the guard post and was about to get into the car——


An extremely dazzling ruby ​​red sports car was parked next to the black red flag, the door was raised, and a woman in sunglasses with extraordinary temperament walked out.

The woman who was nearly 1.7 meters tall took off her sunglasses and looked at Su Qiao contemptuously: "Who are you!"

(End of this chapter)

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