I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 131 Birthday Present

Chapter 131 Birthday Present
"Like it?"

The man whispered to Su Qiao.

Su Qiao looked at the huge diamond pendant, not knowing what to say.

"What day is it today, suddenly sent me—"

"Your birthday, and the day when we reunited for a hundred days."


Today is not Mo Qiaoqiao's birthday, neither the solar calendar nor the lunar calendar!But if he is still alive, he will be 27 years old today!

Su Qiao turned her head: "Honey, are you sure—"

Gong Yueming's hand landed on her shoulder, which was his habitual action when he didn't want her to ask any more questions.

"The diamond is the [-]th anniversary of our reunion. The official birthday gift is below. Open it and have a look."

"Is there something down there? A ring? Or—"

Su Qiao pretended to be obedient and said, picked up the brocade box, Gong Yueming pressed the switch, and the dark layer was drawn out, revealing a car key.

"I saw you posted about Lamborghini in your circle of friends. I knew you liked this brand of sports cars, so I bought a red special version of Poison."

Gong Yueming took out the key and put it in Su Qiao's palm: "The original plan was to buy the sixth element, but unfortunately there is no stock, and it will take a while to pick up the order. I don't want to miss your birthday."

"You actually...you are actually a wolf!"

Su Qiao gasped.

No wonder you talk to her in that tone, as if supercars are Chinese cabbage, you can buy them as long as you go to the vegetable market!


"Why do you have a headshot of a wolf holding a rabbit! It looks good-evil!"

Su Qiao liked this avatar at first, but when she knew that Canglang was Gong Yueming, she suddenly felt weird.What does it mean!He is a wolf, she is a rabbit!Is the rabbit playing with the wolf at will!
But her way of getting along with him is indeed very close to that of wolves and rabbits...

It's just that the wolf is as scheming as the outside, and the rabbit is not as blank as the outside.

"I've done even more evil things, why are you suddenly reserved?"

Gong Yueming said jokingly, moving his hand down.

Su Qiao shyly moved her body away: "...Master Chief, it's getting late. Let's go back to the room."

She didn't want to do that kind of thing in the living room, although from the moment she was spotted by a man, she had no privacy anymore.

"...Why do you have to go back to your room? If you're just sleeping, you can go anywhere, this is our home! No matter what a husband and wife do, it's part of the mood, isn't it?"

The man's hand held tighter.

Su Qiao's unease became more and more obvious. She lowered her head and played with the diamond pendant: "Husband, the light in the living room is too bright. I don't like it...it makes me feel bad...it's really bad..."

"So you like secretly."

Gong Yueming snapped his fingers, all the lights in the living room were turned off, and only each other's mobile phone screens were still flashing in the dark.

"You won't feel embarrassed this time?"

Su Qiao was speechless, this man's net name is wolf and his zodiac sign is also a wolf!
Realizing that she would definitely not be able to escape this time, she couldn't help asking Gong Yueming: "Master Chief, what is your zodiac sign! Is it a dragon or a wolf! How do I feel about you—"

"I am neither wolf nor dragon, my zodiac sign is..."

The man's breath was ambiguous, Su Qiao hurriedly stopped, and said, "I'm not interested in your zodiac sign! I asked the question just now to know... how many times a day do you need to be satisfied?"

"This question... If you are willing to cooperate, you will know the result the day after tomorrow."

The man seals her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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