I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 132 Almost Caught by a Love Rival

Chapter 132 Almost Caught by a Love Rival

The delicate and beautiful body is lying lazily on the sofa, exuding an allure that cannot be covered by the blanket, the wet curly hair sticks to the cheek, and the faint blush makes people's heart beat... Such a perfect combination of delicate and sexy , even if Song Rong'er saw it, she couldn't help but sigh: It really is so charming.

Fortunately, it was Cheng Luo who walked into the living room at this moment.

She shook Su Qiao awake before Song Rong'er asked the teacher for the crime.

"What's the matter?" Su Qiao asked lazily, the light was dim, and she was drowsy.

"There are guests, lady."

"Looking for Gong Yueming?"

Cheng Luo nodded: "The fiancée chosen by the Gong family for the chief is of course the ex-fiancée now."

"Do I need to avoid it?"

Su Qiao propped up her body and smoothed her hair.

"What do you say?"

Cheng Luo sat next to Su Qiao: "Both in person and in appearance, the chief is the best in his class. Even if he is married, I don't know how many women want to be his third son."

"Then should I avoid or stay?"

Su Qiao didn't understand Cheng Luo's meaning.

"Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle." Cheng Luo gave Su Qiao a trick, "You avoid it first, and see how I deal with your husband's ex."

"Sister Cheng, you are so kind to me."

Su Qiao said happily, wrapped in a blanket and jumped upstairs.


Song Rong'er walked into the villa, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar space.

The decoration style is exactly the same as that of the old house of the Gong family, but there is an ambiguous atmosphere called the aftertaste of love that is absolutely impossible to exist in the old house of the Gong family, and there are obvious traces on the sofa...

Song Rong'er bit her lower lip, the smell in the room was too strong for an ignorant woman like her.

She wished she could immediately find out the woman who made the place dirty, give her two slaps, grabbed her hair and asked her how strong Gong Yueming was on the bed, and how close to the kingdom of heaven was with him!
But the woman has already left, leaving only a room of ambiguity.

Song Rong'er turned around and saw Cheng Luo opening the window - obviously, she was the one who tipped off the woman to leave.

"Why did you do that?!"

Song Rong'er was very upset, she thought Cheng Luo was supporting her.

"The chief minister's private life also needs to be kept secret."

Cheng Luo walked to the sofa and put away all the cushions and pillows with unknown stains.

"Even if it's a woman who seduces him casually on the sofa!"

Song Rong'er was born noble, and her perception of husband and wife is also conservative.

"It is appropriate for the chief executive to feel appropriate."

Cheng Luo's attitude was obvious.

"Aren't you afraid that she will make the chief sick?"

Song Ronger held back her shame and said this.

"Do you think we are vegetarian?"

Cheng Luo smiled and asked Song Rong'er: "Besides, you don't know how serious the head's cleanliness is. He even has strict regulations on the number of bacteria in the room. If you still get sick under this situation, it is our big dereliction of duty. "

Song Rong'er was stunned.

"I don't know that his cleanliness is actually... no wonder every time I see him..."

Originally, she thought it was a request from the laboratory, but unexpectedly it was Gong Yueming's personal insistence.

"Miss Song, with your background, appearance, talents, and abilities, it's easy to find any man to marry. Why do you have to pester the chief? He's already married, and he doesn't like you."

Cheng Luo earnestly persuaded that Song Rong'er is very good, as long as she is willing to let go of Gong Yueming, she will soon find an equally good man.

(End of this chapter)

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