I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 155 Getting Jealous Again

Chapter 155 Jealous Again
After the wound was finally treated, Su Qiao looked at Ou Zifan aggrievedly: "Can I put it on?"

"From now on, no dinner is allowed without the company of the manager!"

Ou Zifan was absent-minded.

He has always thought that he is a gentleman, but when she showed her body for him to examine, he realized that he was not as saintly and gentleman as expected!

He wanted her and wanted to take the opportunity to possess her!
Ou Zifan, who suppressed the flames, looked at Su Qiao who didn't notice his abnormality: "Why did you ask Gong Yueming and me for help at the same time?"

"I was locked in the trunk at that time, and I was able to send all the people in the address book who might save me! Fortunately, you arrived in time and saved my life."

"The one who arrived at the first time was Tiezhu instead of Gong Yueming, are you disappointed!"

Su Qiao smiled and said, "How, how is it possible!"

"Is it your truth?"

Ou Zifan's attitude was abnormally domineering.

Su Qiao hurriedly said to the driver: "Can you take me back first? I still have an exterior scene to shoot tomorrow!"

The driver looked at Ou Zifan: "Ou Shao——"

"You send her back first!"

Ou Zifan pinched his brows wearily, his desire made him more and more irritable.


The next day, Su Qiao reported to the program team, but was dragged into a corner by the director.

"I was so thankful to Ms. Mo last night. Fortunately, Ms. Mo helped me speak, otherwise this time I would really—"

Su Qiao was very confused: "Director, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand half a word?"

"Can't you understand?"

Hearing this, the director immediately realized that Su Qiao didn't want to mention what happened yesterday, so he took out the script and began to tell Su Qiao about the drama in a serious manner.

After half an hour, other people came to the program group one after another.

Zhang Meiyan passed by Su Qiao, saw that she was wearing long-sleeved trousers, and smiled strangely: "Did you do a good job last night?"

"It's not as good as you. After being a female cousin, you can use the live broadcast of suicide to forcibly wash your whites. Have you settled the money for the navy? If not, I can borrow it from you!"

Su Qiao never pretends to be a mean person.

Zhang Meiyan was pushed back by Su Qiao in public, she was so angry that she almost exploded on the spot, but Mo Qiaoqiao was surrounded by Ou Zifan, she couldn't please her, so after thinking twice, she had to leave angrily.

Seeing that Zhang Meiyan suffered a loss, Yang Mengying was overjoyed.

She walked to Su Qiao's side and said in a low voice, "If you're so direct, aren't you afraid that she will trip you up?"

"She needs the 'star' draft to raise her net worth, and she won't do such unsightly things."

Su Qiao knew what Zhang Meiyan was up to, so naturally she would not be provoked by Yang Mengying.

Yang Mengying couldn't bring herself to pick things up, so she could only pull out her phone and pretend to check Weibo.

The other contestants were either putting on makeup, reading scripts, or playing with their mobile phones. They were busy and orderly.


With a bang, someone's chair fell to the ground and fell on their backs!
"Why are you so careless!"

Someone scolded in a low voice, An Ran on the ground didn't care about the pain at all, grabbed the phone tightly, got up from the ground: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it's true! How could He Zai and Yang Ye cooperate again! They swore, Unless it is a funeral, they will never be in the same frame again! What the hell is going on in this world!"

"And today is not April [-]st, and the publisher is not Onion News."

A person who also brushed this message added leisurely.

Suddenly, a pot exploded in the dressing room.

Those who saw this push couldn't understand what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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