Chapter 156
As we all know, He Zai and Yang Ye are in a relationship where the king does not see the king.

They are currently the most famous and highest-paid actors, but they get along inexplicably badly. A year ago, they even publicly said to the media that "unless there is a funeral, they will never take the initiative to meet again".

Now, the two people who were incompatible with each other suddenly signed a contract with the same company, and it was a new company that was just registered and established within this year.

"You said, is it possible that the Qiaojiaren Group was founded by the two of them?"

Some people made speculations. After all, the two great film stars suddenly turned back and shook hands to make peace, which is really incomprehensible.

"It's possible! I heard that Actor Yang brought his own studio to join, and Actor He also signed the contract with his younger brother! Maybe the two of them really started this company together! The worst thing is that both of them are shareholders. .”

"Isn't there going to be a good show soon?"

"Yes, yes! They had such a good relationship three years ago, they started a company together, and even their finances were tied together...the result..."

"Three years ago...By the way, the actress Su Qiao who co-produced the movie with them three years ago is dead or alive now? Does anyone know why she suddenly disappeared?"

When Su Qiao was mentioned, the atmosphere in the dressing room suddenly became gloomy.

"Brother Qiao, alas, what a pity... At the age of 25, she won three gold medals. I thought she would definitely be famous in film history, but I didn't expect..."

The make-up artist wiped away tears, and on Su Qiao's 27th birthday, he also posted a blessing on Weibo.

"Speaking of which, it happened that Yang Ye and He Zai fell out completely after working with Su Qiao. Could it be that something happened when the three of them were filming?"

"Very likely! All three are superstars, handsome men and beautiful women. Nothing happened during filming..."

"Could it be that Su Qiao caused their good brothers to completely turn against each other..."

"Nonsense, brother Qiao is not that kind of person!"

The make-up artist interrupts the costumer's speculation.

"Then what kind of person is she?"


The make-up artist was besieged by everyone, and her face was red with anxiety.

Yang Mengying sneered: "There are so many beautiful men and women in the entertainment industry, it's normal for everyone to see each other and make a friendly cannon!"

"Others may play friendship, but Brother Qiao will definitely not!" The makeup artist said seriously, "Miss Yang, if you talk nonsense again, I won't do makeup for you!"


Yang Mengying was indifferent.

At this time, the field manager passed by, and when she heard everyone's words, she also interjected: "No matter what the outside world says, I still believe in Su Qiao's character. She is not that kind of person."

"But a lot of things did happen in the month she disappeared..."

At this time, Ye Li added to the topic: "My sister said that she was under siege by public opinion one month before her disappearance, and asked her to hand over the financial details of Huabud Fund over the years... To be honest, if she hadn't disappeared suddenly at that time, she might have died now. In jail."

"Those are all slanders! Brother Qiao didn't embezzle charity money!"

"Then how do you explain the 20 billion cash that suddenly appeared on the Huabud Foundation's books after she disappeared?"


The makeup artist's tongue went numb.

Su Qiao finally couldn't listen anymore, and came to the stage to chime in: "No matter how many negatives and black spots she has, her achievements as an actress are so far not comparable to anyone of her age!"

"Yes!" The makeup artist had someone to support her, and her voice suddenly became rough.

The field manager also said: "You guys, before making fun of Su Yinghou, first think about whether you have the opportunity to stand up to her height! Don't talk about opportunities and talents, you don't know how far behind her just by working hard! Get ready Alright, let's go play rehearsal!"

(End of this chapter)

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