I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 171 The next Su Qiao

Chapter 171 The Next Su Qiao

"I see in you the possibility of surpassing Su Qiao. I just want to cultivate another queen or movie queen, but there is no need to travel across the ocean to find you."

Simon's expression was calm, obviously he knew what he was talking about.

Su Qiao shook her head in fright: "Mr. Ximen, I have confidence in your ability, but I have no confidence in myself!"

"When Su Qiao auditioned for the first time, she also had no confidence in the future."

Ximen rubbed his chin: "I forgot to tell you, when I signed Su Qiao, I also asked her to dance, and then I decided to create her. My grandpa once told me that it is impossible to meet an artist who makes you feel. To determine whether this feeling is love or intuition, I can ask her to dance and let the soul tell me the answer."

"So you asked me to dance? But we..."

"10 minutes," Ximen interrupted Su Qiao, "You thought I only knew you for 10 minutes, but before I formally decided to meet you, I've been watching your videos for a week."


"Don't underestimate my professionalism."

He handed over a business card: "The business card has my contact information and temporary address. I will stay here for a month. You can use this month to slowly think about whether you want to sign a contract with me."

Su Qiao took the business card and glanced at Ou Zifan.

Ou Zifan smiled: "The talk is over? You can go."

Su Qiao was a little taken aback, but she also knew that after going through that kind of thing, how could she expect Ou Zifan to continue treating her like in the past?

"I go first!"


Watching Su Qiao leave, Ou Zifan looked at Ximen: "When did you become gay, why didn't I know?"

Ximen smiled: "The sexual orientation of the Ximen family is all springs, they can be bent or straight. When they meet a beautiful woman, they are bent, and when they meet a beautiful man, they are straight. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get along well with artists."

"That is to say—"

"What I said just now, except that it is true to build her into a generation icon, everything else is false."

Simon doesn't hide himself.

"Isn't that—"

Ou Zifan burst into anger.

Ximen still smiled: "If your future plan for her is to become the first-line domestically, go ahead and fire me!"

"You hit my weakness!"

"No," Ximen added, "If she doesn't have the aptitude to go out to the world, even if you pay ten times more, I won't accept this case. My selection criteria for artists are very strict!"

"That is to say, she does have—"

Ou Zifan's eyes flickered.

Ximen said: "She is a standard actress, with a photogenic face that can hold up most of the makeup. Although her acting skills are young, she has a lot of aura. She is willing to endure hardships and is obedient. There is a lot of room for improvement."

"Go on—"

"Generally speaking, actors who meet these conditions will become famous actors as long as they don't risk their lives. Of course, there are actually many people who meet these conditions, not to mention that the last person I was optimistic about was Su Qiao. So I didn't care about Mo Qiaoqiao at first. Don't hold out hope until it's time to dance with her..."

Simon's voice became inexplicably hurried.

"Her skin exudes a smell that makes my blood boil, her eyes...like cold stars but reflecting the entire universe...she has the hazyness of a young girl, and the delicacy of a young woman, which perfectly fits the definition of a dream lover... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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