I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 172 Pretend to be innocent

Chapter 172 Pretend to be innocent

Su Qiao returned to the villa, met Cheng Luo who also came back, she quickly took out Ximen's contract: "This is given to me by the agent that Ou Shi helped me find."

Cheng Luo took over the contract: "That's not bad, it's actually one in Chinese and one in English."

Su Qiao said, "Can you help me find a lawyer to take a look?"

"Worried about legal loopholes?" Cheng Luo asked back, "I don't see that you are quite shrewd."

"No, I just want to die more clearly." Su Qiao said self-destructively, "It is impossible for an entertainer to succeed without a manager. Of course the major general is very powerful and capable, but he may not be able to enjoy himself in the entertainment industry, let alone me We are secretly married to him..."

"Money gives way to power."

Cheng Luo interrupted Su Qiao's words.

Su Qiao lowered her eyelids: "Ximen has the ability to put me on the world stage, no matter how powerful Gong Yueming is, his power is limited to the domestic market, isn't it?"

"All right!"

Cheng Luo put away the contract and left the living room.

Su Qiao swiped her Weibo and found that a gaming company had placed a bet on her. There were two bets in total. The betting odds of this year's championship" are very high.

"It seems that everyone is not optimistic about me winning the championship!"

Su Qiao laughed at herself, and bet herself 1000 yuan.

After clicking OK, she felt someone behind her, turned around, and saw Gong Yueming.

The man was looking at the roulette interface with a serious face.

Su Qiao hurriedly said: "This thing... jumped out by itself! It's a garbage plug-in! I didn't gamble!"

"It's a small bet, let alone a bet related to you."

Gong Yueming passed Su Qiao's hand, clicked on the page that was just closed, and entered a 500 million bet with Mo Qiaoqiao's account, betting that Mo Qiaoqiao could win this year's championship!
Pointing to confirm with her slender fingers, Su Qiao wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Boss, this is 500 million! Even if I go bankrupt..."

"Are you sure you have the ability to wipe out all our family business?"

Su Qiao froze for a moment: "Our family business?"

"You are already my wife, so my money is naturally your money." The man kissed Su Qiao's neck, "Why do you smell like a wild man? Who are you dating today—"

"I went to Ou's to meet a man named Simon, Harry Simon, who is said to be a top agent, and he is gay!"

Su Qiao hastily argued.

Gong Yueming narrowed his eyes slightly: "Simon?"

"You know him?"

Fear flashed across Su Qiao's eyes.

Gong Yueming put his arms around Su Qiao's neck: "If it's the Ximen I know, then his sexual orientation is definitely not just homosexual... The Simon I know is a pan-fetishist, as long as beautiful humanoid objects can arouse his interest , whether male or female, or human beings or not..."

"So... extensive..."

"Not only is his sexual orientation broad, but his business is also extensive, with clients ranging from artists to companies, and even between countries."

Gong Yueming's words made Su Qiao's heart beat faster.

"Between countries..."

She pretended to ask innocently, and the waves rolled deep in her heart.

"Where there are people, there will be conflicts, and where there are conflicts, public relations are needed," Gong Yueming continued with a smile, "Simon is a guy who distinguishes between public and private, and he is willing to be your agent, which is very beneficial to your career. "

"How do you know him so well—"

Su Qiao couldn't help thinking, could it be that Gong Yueming sent someone to find Ximen?

Three years ago, Gongzi Yu had hired Ximen to send her to the pinnacle of her career...

(End of this chapter)

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