I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 197 Let Her Go!

Chapter 197 Let Her Go!
Su Qiao knelt in front of Ou Zifan, holding his head: "I'm sorry, Zifan, I never intended to hurt you or deceive you. I just..."

"Just what? You just want to succeed too much, don't you?"

Ou Zifan said mockingly, raised his head, his face was full of tears.

"... Zifan..."

Su Qiao didn't expect Ou Zifan to say such mean words.

Ou Zifan grabbed her face with both hands and looked at her coldly: "I have felt it a long time ago. I felt it the first day I returned to China. You are completely different from your aunt. She is very gentle and soft from the inside out, but you are... …You are very ambitious, you like to succeed, you like to prove yourself…”

"Do you like success and proving yourself wrong? Brother Zifan, how many people have you met who don't like success and proving themselves?"

Su Qiao couldn't understand Ou Zifan's mentality.

Obviously she was still crying the last moment, lamenting her own stupidity, why did it suddenly become——

"It's not wrong, you've never been wrong," Ou Zifan said mockingly, "I was the one who was wrong! I shouldn't know that you have changed, but still lie to my ears and think that you are still the person in my memory!"

"... Zifan, you..."

Su Qiao felt depressed, and Ou Zifan obviously suspected that she was not Mo Qiaoqiao, but he still foolishly anesthetized himself.

Ou Zifan didn't continue to complain.

He took out a dozen beers, and drank one can after another without saying a word.

Su Qiao saw that he was not in the right condition, plus the phone broke and she couldn't contact Gong Yueming to explain the situation, and she might be in danger if she went out late at night, so she could only endure her anxiety and stay by Ou Zifan's side to accompany him.

After dawn, the employees of Ou's Films came to work one after another. Su Qiao handed Ou Zifan, who was drunk and unconscious, to the secretary, took a shower and changed clothes with the bathing facilities in the lounge, and left Ou's film under the ambiguous gaze of everyone. .


The car stopped in front of the community, and Su Qiao waved to the driver to thank her, then walked heavily into the community, entered the empty villa, and went upstairs to organize her clothes.

She clearly knew that after this kind of thing happened, the last thing she needed to do was to explain.

In the face of a man's possessiveness and self-esteem, any explanation by a woman is just trying to cover up.

Soon, things were sorted out, and Su Qiao pulled the trolley box to leave.

When going downstairs, she met Cheng Luo.

Cheng Luo, who usually has a stern face, looked extremely indifferent today. She glanced at Su Qiao and the suitcase behind her with razor-like eyes: "Finally want to leave?"

"Yeah, dreams will always wake up."

Su Qiao put the box flat: "By the way, do I need to open it for you to check?"

"No, I trust your character."


"The chief is not such a stingy person." Cheng Luo said, "Although I have been working in the field until now, he hasn't given me any instructions."

"Then I... I'm leaving, Sister Cheng, you have to take care!"

Su Qiao grabbed the trolley case and went downstairs.

Seeing her struggling, Cheng Luo chased after her and asked, "Do you need me to take you off? Also, where are you going next? Do you have a place to live?"

"I don't know...I...I..."

Su Qiao bit her lip, she didn't have any plans for what happened next.

Cheng Luo took the box in her hand: "If you have no place to go, you can come to my apartment and stay for two days! At least after the draft results come out and you have a confirmed place to go—"

"let her go!"

(End of this chapter)

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