I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 198 Sooner or later, please come to me

Chapter 198 Come back sooner or later and beg me
An abrupt voice sounded from the entrance, Su Qiao raised her head and saw Song Rong'er!
"Sister Rong..."

"Who is a good sister to you!"

Song Rong'er walked into the living room on high heels, sat in the middle of the sofa, crossed her legs, and looked like a queen.

"Mo Qiaoqiao, you are indeed a natural born actor. I am a dignified Ivy League graduate, but I let you be fooled by a peripheral girl who graduated from high school! Don't you feel very happy when you are comparable to my sister! It's a pity that the soil turtle is a soil turtle after all. , even after applying gold powder, it’s still a ground turtle. No, it’s finally overturned!”

"Miss Song—"

Cheng Luo stepped forward, trying to smooth things over.

Song Rong'er ignored her, and pointed at Su Qiao's nose: "Why did you lie to me! Why didn't you tell me until now——you are the woman Gong Yueming raised outside!"

Facing the fury, Su Qiao was calm.

She held back her tears and looked at Song Rong'er: "...Did he tell you?"

"Yes, he told me!"

Song Rong'er was extremely proud.

"He called me half an hour ago, and he said that he is in pain now! He was cheated by a mean woman with an innocent face! He never wants to see you again, and he regrets knowing you!"

"is it?"

Su Qiao held her hands tightly, these words are indeed what a man might say when encountering such a thing!
"Let's go," Song Rong'er said, "while he can still control himself, hurry up and go far away! Lest you die without a burial!"

"...I will go!"

Su Qiao bit her lip lightly, dragged the box and left.

Cheng Luo quickly caught up.

Song Rong'er watched her go away, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth: finally revenge!


Gong Yueming returned to his residence and saw someone he didn't want to see.

"What are you doing!"

He pointed to the door: "When did you become private bodyguards!"

"Miss Song—"

The guards stepped forward in embarrassment and asked Song Rong'er to leave.

Song Rong'er raised her head and glanced at Gong Yueming: "I sympathize with you, you actually fell in love with such a low-grade woman!"

"Then?" Gong Yueming asked back.

Song Rong'er smiled: "I'm here to tell you that although your previous attitude was too much, I love you after all, and my marriage contract with you is still valid, as long as you—"

"Sorry, I'm already married and I have no plans to divorce for the time being."

Gong Yueming pointed to the door: "This is a private residence, please leave immediately!"


Song Rong'er didn't dare to confront Gong Yueming, so she had to leave reluctantly.

When she went out, she looked at the man bitterly: "Sooner or later, you will come to beg me!"

When Song Rong'er was going out, Cheng Luo happened to walk in.

Out of politeness, Cheng Luo smiled and nodded at Song Rong'er.

Song Rong'er sneered: "Is everything settled?"

Cheng Luo didn't answer.

Walking into the living room, before he had time to salute, Gong Yueming pointed to the sofa and said, "Throw it away! Get a new one!"

"Yes, sir!"

Cheng Luo directed the people to lift the sofa down and replaced it with a new one, and followed Gong Yueming into the study: "Madam's matter—"

"It's up to you!"

Gong Yueming picked up a stack of documents: "Don't disturb Madam until the finals are over."


"No but, I don't want to hear her name for now."

Gong Yueming raised his head, his eyes were slightly bloodshot.

"The day after tomorrow is her hundred days, I don't want to hear unnecessary voices."


Cheng Luo left knowingly, thinking that luckily the officer let her figure it out and didn't give him a straightforward punishment.

 Guess, when will Qiaoqiao realize that she is her in her husband's heart, and when will her husband realize that Qiaoqiao is his her~
(End of this chapter)

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