I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 208 Just Your IQ?

Chapter 208 Just Your IQ?
Whispering, she walked to the window sill, wrapped her body in curtains, and said to Gong Yueming who was still on the sofa: "Is this all right?"

"not enough!"

The man said meanly, motioning for her to reveal everything to herself.

Su Qiao then let go of the curtains and faced Gong Yueming.

The man finally stood up.

He walked up to Su Qiao and pushed her against the wall without saying anything.

"No...it won't work over there...it will...it will be...very dirty..."

"He touched you, didn't he?"

Gong Yueming's voice was suddenly indifferent.

Su Qiao panicked.

"...No, he and I didn't..."

"Is it true or did you lie to me?"

"Of course it's true. You're so smart. If I lied to you, can I fool you?"

Su Qiao actively pleases Gong Yueming, after all, no one can do anything about this man going crazy.

Gong Yueming's flattery to her was very helpful, and said: "You know that you can't fool me with your IQ!"

"That's that's..."

Su Qiao smiled conscientiously.

Gong Yueming let go of his hand.

Originally, her whole body was hanging on him in the air, she hurriedly grabbed the curtain behind her.

However, before she had time to keep her feet on the ground, she was grabbed by the shoulders of the man and suddenly turned over, turning her back into a posture.

He grabbed her hair and shoulders and pressed her against the glass.

"Although your flattery is very good, I still don't believe your words! Tell me honestly, is it...is it..."

"...No, no...Really not...How could I...Ah...You hurt me..."

Su Qiao's wrist was overwhelmed, and there was a burning pain.

"Just punishing you lightly, you don't know how to deal with it anymore!"

"...Honey, I'm just an ordinary person, I'm fragile and useless... Please don't continue... I really... really didn't lie..."

Su Qiao no longer knew how to reason with Gong Yueming.

He was too arrogant and self-righteous, which made her at a loss.

Fortunately, Gong Yueming let her go.

"Don't do things that challenge me next time," he said, "A man's tolerance is limited, especially when he hears from others that his wife is suspected of cheating."

"The back of your tongue! I'm going to cut it off!"

Su Qiao was very angry.

Gong Yueming said: "It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is whether you betrayed me or not."

"I've said it's gone, why don't you believe me!"

Su Qiao wanted to cry but had no tears.

Gong Yueming said: "If I didn't believe you, you wouldn't be here now! Go to sleep, you still have work tomorrow!"


When she woke up, Su Qiao found herself lying on the bed.

She found a skirt to put on, walked out of the room, and looked around the entire apartment, but did not find Gong Yueming.

To be precise, the second person was not found.

Everything last night was like a nightmare, but the person who created the nightmare is no longer there.

Su Qiao sighed, took out her phone, and read yesterday's news.

As expected, the awards ceremony became a hot topic, but the incident of being blocked by Zhang Meiyan and reporters in the garage was not reported at all, not even a Weibo post, as if the whole thing was an illusion.

"Strange," Su Qiao sighed while eating, "Is it the power of public relations? Or..."

The phone rang suddenly, and Simon called.

"At ten o'clock, the driver will pick you up downstairs."

After finishing a sentence, hang up immediately.

Su Qiao knew that Ximen was looking for her for the press conference in the afternoon, so she naturally didn't ask any more questions, and checked the time, it was already ten past nine.

So she hurriedly finished her breakfast, changed her clothes, and put on makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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