Chapter 209

When she came to the venue, Su Qiao was very surprised.

I thought it was just an ordinary press meeting for clarification, but I didn't expect that besides myself, the top executives of the Ou family and the TV station would all be present.

When Director Sun saw Su Qiao, he quickly dragged her into the dressing room: "My eldest lady, how can you go out dressed like this! There is no makeup on your face! Are you afraid you will be laughed at later!"

Su Qiao heard this and looked at herself in the glasses.

The light makeup made her look as beautiful as ever, but the deep dark circles under her eyes also revealed the fact that she didn't sleep at all last night.

"Remember who you are now! You are Yixi's rumored girlfriend, a new high-quality idol! Do you understand!"

After speaking, Director Sun threw her to the makeup artist and stylist.


After some tossing, a beautiful woman without makeup appeared in the mirror.

The dark circles under the eyes are perfectly eliminated, the skin is transparent with almost nude makeup, the lips are pink and cherry red, she is wearing a simple sweater, her hair is tied into a ponytail, and she looks like a girl next door.

"Perfect," said the stylist. "Anyone who sees you will like you now."

The makeup artist handed Su Qiao a tear gas stick: "This is the latest version. The paste is very soft. If you encounter trouble at the reception, use this to wipe your eyes."

"Thank you, Sister Hua," Su Qiao took the tear gas stick, "You are so kind to me."

"I am like this to every artist, don't think you are so special."

The makeup artist said arrogantly, he is gay, and he likes to be called Sister Hua.

At this time, the staff notified Su Qiao to be on stage.

Su Qiao wrapped the tear gas stick in a handkerchief and followed the staff out of the dressing room.


The reception officially begins.

The reporters had taken care of it beforehand, and the opening question was very face-saving.

"Miss Mo, can you talk about your feelings? You won the championship at the age of 20 and became the girlfriend of the national male god—"

"It's unreal, it's like a dream," Su Qiao said, "Last night I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep all night. I was afraid that the matter of winning the championship was just a dream. When I woke up, I was still that penniless intern. In the rental house..."

"I heard that Ms. Mo and Ms. Yang used to be roommates. Do you get along well?"

Su Qiao froze for a moment, then smiled: "Men don't understand the friendship between women."

"So, the relationship between the two is average or even bad?"

This reporter was obviously sent by a competitor.

Su Qiao maintained her smile, and secretly brushed her fingers across the corners of her eyes: "Did Mengying tell you so?"

Before he finished speaking, tears were already streaming from his eyes under the action of the tear gas stick.

Immediately, the camera clicked, and the reporter who had asked the question before was sent out politely by the security personnel.

Ximen took the microphone: "I am the head of public relations for this star talent contest, you can ask me about what happened last night!"

The reporters began to lay siege to Simon.

But Ximen, as a top international public relations agent, how could he be overwhelmed by this group of reporters.

All the questions are answered with a smile, and when the opponent uses sharp words, he will stab back without leaving a trace.

During the two-hour reception, he single-handedly contracted for an hour and a half, answering his own goal and all the questions that might arouse the torture of public opinion during the game, leaving the reporters speechless.

At the end, he stood up and was about to announce the official end of the press conference, when a reporter suddenly asked, "Miss Mo, did you call Yi Xi last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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