I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 216 Someone wants to kill her

Chapter 216 Someone wants to kill her

After Cheng Luo left, the room suddenly became quiet.

Su Qiao grabbed the cold gun, feeling very delicate.

When she was with Gongzi Yu, she was forced to execute "traitors" more than once. Those dying eyes made her instinctively hate the feeling of holding a gun, and she still can't overcome it until now.

did not expect……

Thinking of the steel bar that the crew suddenly dropped from the sky, she quickly wrapped the gun in a handkerchief and put it under the pillow.


The nightmare came again.

In the dark forest, there are no stars, no fireflies, and the roar of wild beasts is constantly heard from the bushes.The cold wind gusts, she can only run in a windbreaker.

Behind, there are beasts trying to kill her!
Da da da!
Unable to determine whether it was the sound of hooves or footsteps!

It was getting louder and louder, like a drum beating on her heart, making her breathless!
Who!Who can help me!
She cried out in pain, her throat was blocked, and she couldn't make a sound, but the voice behind her was getting louder and louder!


The fishy wind rushed over her head, and a black shadow fell in front of her.

giant wolf!

The two-meter-high giant wolf squatted down and looked down at her, its green eyes shining with the light of hell!
The wolf opened his mouth and made a shocking sound, and she was so frightened that her legs gave way and she fell to the ground!
The wolf pounced, and the shadow covered her whole body.

Who will help me!

In great fear, she reached behind her hand and grabbed a handful of black things.

After the loud noise, Su Qiao woke up from the bed, sweating all over, holding the gun that Cheng Luo had left for her.

"What's going on this time..."

She fiddled with her hair in shock, wondering why she had started having nightmares again.


She got out of bed and checked the time, it was three in the morning.

Just as she was considering whether to take a shower, Su Qiao suddenly felt something abnormal outside.


And he is a wicked person!

Realizing that it was too late to call the police, Su Qiao had a quick wit, stuffed two pillows into the quilt, crawled under the bed by herself, and grabbed the pistol and mobile phone.

The door opened, and a pair of leather shoes appeared in view.

The person who came was a professional, and as soon as he opened the door, he pulled out a long knife and rushed to the middle bed to chop it down!

Su Qiao grabbed the gun tightly, sweat slid down the tip of her nose.


The knife chopped down, the pillow burst, and the feathers flew all over the sky. The man realized something was wrong, turned on the light, and looked around the room, looking for Su Qiao.

Su Qiao took a deep breath.

The heartbeat that was originally messed up returned to normal at this moment, and while the man's back was facing her, she crawled out from under the bed and pointed a gun at the back of her head: "Don't move!"

The man was shocked: "Speak up if you have something to say! Don't..."

"Throw away the knife immediately and follow me to the living room!"

Su Qiao said coldly, her hand holding the gun was as steady as a rock.Her image, if this is filming, it should be a close-up close-up!

The man obediently dropped the knife, walked into the living room under the threat of Su Qiao, and dug out the rope in the cabinet.

Su Qiao directed the man to pull out the rope, and tied her own legs to the chair legs, then she picked up the rope and tied the man's upper body, then took apart the calming capsule that Gu Hai gave her, and poured the powder into cold water , handed to the man.

The man also saw Su Qiao's appearance clearly at this time, and was about to say something hooligan and teasing, but Su Qiao stared at his cheek with a gun: "Open your mouth and drink water!"

"...You won't poison me in the water!"

When he said this, his eyes were fixed on Su Qiao's chest.

Su Qiao sneered: "Just one shot to kill you! As for poisoning so complicated? Give me a drink immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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