I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 217 "Details" Exposed

Chapter 217 "Details" Exposed
After forcing the intruder to drink the tranquilizer-infused water, Su Qiao went to the balcony to call Ou Zifan.

On the phone, no one answered.

Su Qiao could only call Yi Xi, but this time she was connected immediately.

"whats the matter?"

"I had a burglary with a knife."

"What! Are you okay! Have you called the police?"

"Of course I can still call you." Su Qiao said, "I haven't called the police yet. I'm afraid it's the fan circle's grievances."

Because of this sentence, the other side of the phone fell silent.

After waiting for about half a minute, Yi Xi said: "...I'll come over right away, you ask him first, if it's an ordinary burglar, we'll call the police! Also, be careful!"

"Okay, I'll ask!"


Su Qiao's burglary soon ushered in a large number of flies.

In front of the police station, Yi Xi, who accompanied Su Qiao to make a statement to the police, savagely pushed away the approaching reporters under the protection of bodyguards: "What's there to interview! Get out!"

As a result, the major forums uploaded Yi Xi's beating video, but this time no one accused the celebrity of beating someone too much, and almost everyone praised Yi Xi's boyfriend. "Kiss" chocolate earns enough eyeballs.

A day later, the "details" of the burglary incident were exposed by the gossip official account.

It is said that the burglar this time was an ordinary person without a criminal record;

It is said that the prisoner carried a knife and his target was very clear;
It is said that the prisoner is a fan of a certain actress, and planned this operation after hearing the voice message sent by the actress in the fan group.

Although they are all "supposedly", but by contacting the recent developments of the two, anyone with a brain can guess who the actress is.

Sadly, Zeng Jing has fired her agent.

In this public opinion crusade promoted by a professional team, she and her temporary agent father had no strength to fight back.

At the same time, Zeng Jing's previous negatives such as being late for the set, playing big names, and swearing all over the place also exploded. Although Zeng Jing's fans still believe in their fairies, passers-by have begun to disgust Zeng Jing, and many endorsements under her name are because of this. Terminate the contract.

Seeing the negative reports all over the sky, Su Qiao smiled: "Is this development very suitable for you?"

"I'm not that narrow-minded. She was too much to us first, and we just followed the trend."


Su Qiao recalled what happened that day, still covered in cold sweat.

"But having said that, is that person really a brain-dead fan who chased after stars and went crazy? He is really a brain-dead, how could it be..."

Although Cheng Luo's residence is not as strictly managed as Gong Yueming's villa, it is absolutely strict in and out. How could it be possible for a hot-headed otaku to break in smoothly.What's more, when he slashed "Su Qiao", every cut was ruthless and poisonous. Su Qiao didn't believe it if he said that he didn't have professional training.

"But he told the police that he is a fan of brains, and there is indeed a poster of Zeng Jing posted in his residence. The computer is full of Zeng Jing, and there are also medical records of star chasing that caused mental weakness and was admitted to the hospital for three months."

Yi Xi obviously thinks Zeng Jing is the cause of the whole thing.

Su Qiao also knew that in the face of so much evidence, she had to accept the fact that the attempted murderer was a madman, but deep down in her heart she always kept a ray of doubt.

"...If possible, I would like to go to the hospital and meet him."

Su Qiao took out her mobile phone and wanted to contact the police.


"No need."

Yi Xi's manager Chu Tian walked into the room: "The police just called, Zheng Da committed suicide!"

(End of this chapter)

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