Chapter 218

Zheng Da was the name of the brain-damaged crazy fan who attacked her late at night.

Su Qiao felt cold: "Now Zeng Jing is in big trouble—"

"That's her own fault," Yi Xi disapproved, "If she didn't maliciously incite fans..."

"The attack on me has nothing to do with her..."

Su Qiao murmured and ran to the toilet.

At this moment, she felt so uncomfortable that her heart, lungs and internal organs were churned together, she couldn't breathe, and her abdominal pain was like twisting.

It's Young Master Yu, he found her!

In the corner of the bathroom, she took out her mobile phone: "Sister Cheng, Zheng Da is dead."

"I know, I'm in the police station to deal with the aftermath."

Cheng Luo's voice carried a calmness that made Su Qiao uneasy.

"Aftermath... Sister Cheng, what do you mean..."

"He tried to kill you, so there is no need for him to be in this world."

Cheng Luo's tone was as casual as if discussing what to eat tonight.

"But, that's human life! Sister Cheng, human life... human life is at stake, I really..."

Su Qiao was flustered. Cheng Luo's words reminded her of the chaos in her mind, and many images that should have been forgotten were shaking in front of her eyes.

Blood, guns, violence, screams...

Indescribable fear rushed towards her face like a sea wave, Su Qiao fell to the ground and passed out.


Nightmare has new content.

The little girl was walking on the sunny meadow, when suddenly it was dark, the meadow turned into a forest, and the day turned into night. A tall man with a wolf mask came over and took her——

Grab it in a sack!

Su Qiao exclaimed, waking up from the nightmare.

There was a light blue in the field of vision, which was a calming blue, but made Su Qiao's mood even worse.

"Where is this? Why am I here? Is there anyone?"

She found that her clothes had been changed into nightgowns, and she was even more disturbed.

Climbing down carefully, wearing slippers, finding a stick, Su Qiao walked to the door.

Pushing open the door, sitting outside was someone Su Qiao didn't want to see - Ou Zifan!

"Where is this place, why am I here!"

Su Qiao looked at him with stern eyes as if tortured.

"This is the lounge of Ou's Films. You suddenly fainted, and the female staff brought you here. The secretary also changed the clothes for you."

Ou Zifan held up the coffee: "Do you need a drink?"

"No... I just want to get out of here right away."

Su Qiao rejected Ou Zifan's offer.

Ou Zifan didn't force it, just said leisurely: "Zheng Da is dead, Zeng Jing is going to hold a press conference to clarify the matter with Yi Xi and you."

"A rare wise decision."

Su Qiao said expressionlessly, since Zeng Jing fired her manager, she has been letting herself go unceasingly, disbanding fan organizations, collecting money from fans in the name of visiting classes, frequently bombarding the media and reporters, and constantly expressing to the outside world that she was cruelly abused by the industry. persecution……

After this incident, Su Qiao was also surprised that she was able to think of holding a press conference with an online IQ.

"It's a pity that this reception will only push her into a deeper abyss."

Ou Zifan said ambiguously, and stood up.

"She shouldn't be suggesting that fans attack you," he said. "It's suicide."

"What do you want to say? Zheng Da's death...wouldn't be..."

Su Qiao looked at Ou Zifan with stern eyes, feeling inexplicably cold.

"Zheng Da is mentally abnormal, suicide is a very normal thing."

Ou Zifan interrupted Su Qiao's suspicion: "There will never be a similar thing."

(End of this chapter)

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