I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 223 I'm a Genius

Chapter 223 I'm a Genius
"... just now... just now... what happened..."

After finally recovering, she looked at him in embarrassment, her blush was like a rose after a spring rain.

"It's nothing, a way to fight jet lag!"

Gong Yueming spoke viciously, grabbed the clothes on the ground, and straightened his appearance.

Su Qiao also knew that she was in an awkward position, so she lifted up the torn skirt and put it on her body, ready to go to the bedroom to change into clean clothes.

The man held her back: "Are you in such a hurry to wash off the marks I left on you?!"

"...No...you...don't you feel uncomfortable with the sticky body? And the current state...If you don't clean it up, it will only embarrass everyone...Sister Cheng doesn't like others to make a mess of her house ..."

Su Qiao argued incoherently, the more she said, the more confused she became, the darker she became.

Suddenly she remembered that the blender had not been turned off yet, she hurriedly shook off the man's hand and rushed into the kitchen.


When the mixer was turned off, Su Qiao pulled out the cylindrical wand, looked at the slightly yellowish white liquid that had been stirred as thin as water, and smiled wryly: "This, how can this be used as a mask!"

"What's so good about this sticky, dirty stuff that looks like snot, you women are really..."

Gong Yueming's breath suddenly touched his ears, Su Qiao didn't dare to look back.

He stood behind her, holding her waist with his hands, the warmth of his palms continued to spread through the skirt, his fingers slid and stroked, hinting: Do you want to do it again...

"This is a standard mask formula. Stir eggs and milk for 5 minutes and apply it on the face, which can moisturize the skin and tighten pores. Now... it can no longer be used."

"Is it really just a mask formula? Why look at the color...and the shape of this blender..."

Gong Yueming reached out and held the black stainless steel stirrer.

"...You think too much! You really think too much! Look, there is a cross-shaped blade underneath! A steel piece that can be smashed into mud in half a minute after putting a carrot in it! Have you seen it!"

Su Qiao pointed to the shining blade and explained to him.

Gong Yueming finally believed that it was just a kitchen tool.

"Okay, it's true that I misunderstood. But—are you sure this thing can be painted on the face?"

Gong Yueming dipped his hand in some thin liquid, his complexion was a little dark.

"Originally, it could be applied on the face, but you have stirred it so much that you can bake cakes with a little more sugar and flour. How can you use it to paint your face... Wait! I remembered! I'm a genius! A genius! Haha!"

Speaking of this, Su Qiao suddenly had an idea, opened the cabinet to find high-gluten flour and sugar, and prepared to make small cakes.

Seeing that Su Qiao, who had been depressed for a second, regained her vitality in an instant, Gong Yueming had to admit that women are creatures of another world.

"Hey, what are you still doing? Hurry up and help me break the sugar! There is also flour... oh! There are not enough eggs, I have to get some more eggs, egg beater, where is the egg beater! Egg yolk divider Woolen cloth!"

The woman was busy in a hurry, and her enthusiasm unconsciously infected the man. Gong Yueming took the sugar with a straight face and gave her a hand.

Su Qiao was busy with seriousness, her face was soon covered with flour.

Gong Yueming looked at her messy face, and suddenly felt itchy: "So you are not so useless."

"I'm not useless in the first place, but you always think I'm useless...Let's not talk about it, I have to paint the cake with egg yolk."

(End of this chapter)

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