I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 224 Too Energetic

Chapter 224 Too Energetic

At night, when Cheng Luo came back, she saw Gong Yueming was there, she was so shocked that she was holding the coat in her hand and didn't know where to put it.

"Chief, why do you..."

"The meeting was boring, so I came back early."

Gong Yueming stared straight at Su Qiao who was spreading cream on the cake.

Cheng Luo realized that her existence was superfluous, and was about to enter the bedroom, but Su Qiao stopped her: "Sister Cheng, how is this flower framed?"

"You make cakes?"

Cheng Luo walked up to Su Qiao pretending to be interested, and found that what she was mounting was a small cake the size of a palm, so she teased her: "Such a small cake, isn't it afraid that the chief will eat it in one bite?"

"It's not for him to eat."

Su Qiao glared at Gong Yueming.

Cheng Luo was speechless.

"Who is that for?" she asked.

Su Qiao said: "Give me food for the person I like. Sister Cheng, happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday..."

Cheng Luo was stunned.

"How do you know what I don't know?"

"Isn't it your birthday today?"

Su Qiao put down the colored syrup she was going to use to write on the cake.

"The date of birth on my certificate is false. The chief's birthday was last Tuesday, but it's a pity that he is abroad..."

Cheng Luo is worthy of being a genius, and quickly turned the topic to Gong Yueming.

Su Qiao held the cake and turned around: "Master Chief, happy birthday!"

"You want to send me away with just a cake?"

Gong Yueming smiled charmingly, what he wanted to eat was not cake.

Su Qiao saw that his eyes were so sharp that he might poke a hole in her body, and she laughed dryly: "I don't know! It's not a crime if you don't know! Mr. Chief, don't fight with me, a mentally handicapped person, okay? The cake was specially made for you."

"If Cheng Luo didn't exist, would you be willing to give me the cake?"


Su Qiao took out a woman's trump card, her coquettish eyes.

Gong Yueming was unmoved.

"Don't think that such a little flattery can wipe out all the previous things!"

When he said this, he pressed his fingers on the neckline.

This is a man's usual action when his mouth is wrong. Su Qiao, who had discovered Gong Yueming's habit for a long time, showed a brighter smile: "Of course I don't dare to hope to forgive you, Major General!"

The deliberate begging expression greatly satisfied the man's dignity.

He took the cake from Su Qiao's hand and said, "It's rare that you have a heart, so I will accept this gift."

"Thank you sir!"

Su Qiao showed a cute smile.

The corner of Gong Yueming's mouth also had a tenderness that he didn't even realize.


After eating the cake, Gong Yueming's mood improved.

He took the initiative to walk into the kitchen with Su Qiao to help her clean up.

Su Qiao didn't dare to bother the old man, so she finally sent her out, but was pressed down on the cooking table by him the next moment.

The man lowered his head: "Tell me, did you miss me when I was away?"

"You... what are you thinking! Am I that kind of woman?"

Su Qiao was very angry, why is this man so narcissistic, so full of energy, and so energetic to die!
She was already tossing her to death on the sofa in the afternoon, and now...

"is it?"

The man lowered his head and picked her earlobe: "Who can't wait to open the door when they hear the doorbell? You're not even sure if you know the person outside the door..."

Su Qiao blushed.

"...No, it's not..." Su Qiao struggled and said, "Sister Cheng said it's safe here, I won't meet..."

(End of this chapter)

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