I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 225 Who gave you courage

Chapter 225 Who gave you courage
"Actually, you are happy to see me in your heart, after all, I am your man."

Gong Yueming's self-confidence made Su Qiao angry.

She pushed him away and said, "Shut up! Don't think of yourself as a god! I'm not so miserable that I can't live without you!"

"Are you sure you can live without me? Without me...you can..."

The ambiguous tone made Su Qiao blush.

Gong Yueming saw that her face was red like a small apple, and her desire to tease her became more intense.

"Why are you shy all of a sudden? I got caught by what I said? I still feel..."

"No, you...you..."

"Why is that? I never minded that you were too close to Ou Zifan, and I didn't force you to sever contact with your damned relatives!"

"It's not..."

"I'm not good enough for you," she said, "A woman like Song Rong'er is more suitable to be with you. For a woman like me, being able to interact with you is already the greatest gift, I...you go, I just ..."

"What are you talking about? Did Song Rong'er say something in front of you?"

"She just stated the facts."

Su Qiao turned around, imagining taking off her wedding ring to show her attitude as she often does in TV dramas. She ran her fingers along the base of her fingers, but what she felt was bare.

They are a complete hidden marriage, no wedding and no wedding ring.

"She is an irrelevant person." Gong Yueming said, "How can you start to doubt me and yourself just because an irrelevant person said something unpleasant!"

"I know...but it's true that there's an identity gap between us, isn't it?"

Su Qiao looked at Gong Yueming calmly, her eyes were as clear as spring water.

"And I don't remember the past between you and me at all. Without the basis of the past, you are just a pure outsider in my eyes, a stranger who broke into my life forcefully."

"I am a stranger! I have become a stranger!"

Gong Yueming laughed mockingly: "I'm magnanimous enough for you. I didn't mind your infidelity, I didn't restrict your life, and I didn't even have any excessive expectations of you! Instead, you think we have become strangers people!"

"Because...because...I feel inferior!"

Su Qiao plucked up her courage and said to Gong Yueming: "Your excellence makes me breathless, and I can't believe that your feelings for me are love. I...I... Sometimes I don't even feel that you and I are the same Is love possible between one species...different species? Impossible."

"Ha, now it's no longer possible to fall in love between different species! Then when I was going to marry you, why didn't you object! When I offered you so many benefits, why didn't you refuse!"

"...I dare not! I have never dared! Gong Yueming, don't you realize that when I face you, I am more afraid than enjoying it? If I were a cat, you would be able to see clearly When I was touched by you, my ears were like those of an airplane, and my hair was like that of a bomb."

"Okay, you were only afraid of me in the past, why are you not afraid of me now?"

Gong Yueming asked Su Qiao back: "What gave you the courage to think that you can provoke me!"

"Yes Yes……"

"Is it those photos?"

Gong Yueming raised his mobile phone: "Ou Zifan gave you the confidence to make a decision with me, right? It's a pity that I also have ten thousand ways to make the Ou family go bankrupt within a month!"


"what you want to say?"

Gong Yueming pinched Su Qiao's face with one hand: "I love you, so I treat you with the courtesy a husband treats his wife, but in essence, I can really dominate you as I like."

(End of this chapter)

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