I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 228 Serving the Boss

Chapter 228 Serving the Boss

As a supporting role, Su Qiao's roles in the play only add up to one hour, but because 90.00% of them are scenes with the protagonist, and most of the protagonists have full schedules, so they can only report on time for the crew every day, put on makeup and wait.

On this day, Su Qiao was called over by the on-site director again.

"Brother Zhang came to the set for half an hour, and he will stay for three days in total. You and him have a 10-minute scene with him, hurry up and familiarize yourself with the script!"


Su Qiao opened the script, found the part where Zhang Yue played against Zhang Sheng, and took the time to recite it.

Twenty or ten minutes later, Zhang Yue's nanny car drove into the crew, and most of the crew rushed up to greet him: Zhang Yue is the protagonist hand-picked by the producer, and to offend him is to offend the producer.

The car door opened, Zhang Yue walked out with the support of assistant bodyguards, took off the magic mirror: "Why is this crew—"

"The filming will take three days in total, Brother Zhang, just bear with it!" The manager said with a coaxing expression on his son.

The accompanying costumers, make-up artists, and prop artists also got off the car. There were twenty or thirty of them, and they entered the dressing room specially prepared for Zhang Yue under the leadership of the crew.

Everyone else, including the director, walked around Zhang Yue with a smile on his face, but Zhang Yue looked at people with his nostrils and just hummed a few times.

Su Qiao suddenly realized that this person might be difficult to get along with.


Zhang Yue's makeup was super ink, and it took three hours to finish. The director on the set was almost jumping.

But when Zhang Yue came out wearing the costume, he held it up with a smile on his face: "Ah, you really get what you get for your time, look at this outfit..."

"Let's be clear first, I only have three days, and I'm sure I won't have time to memorize the lines. I'll do the dubbing myself later!"

Zhang Yue's attitude is very domineering.

The director on the set looked helplessly at the audience: "Brother Zhang, look at everyone——"

"My time is precious!"

Zhang Yue didn't care how many people were waiting for him on the set, he took the script and looked at the general shooting plan: "Pick out the scenes that can be replaced by doubles first, I don't have that much time!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Don't look at the on-set director's ferocity towards the staff, how polite he should be in front of Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue glanced at the script again: "Is there any part where you play with a beautiful woman?"

"This one, and this one are all about playing against beautiful women..."

The set director pointed out two scenes with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yue nodded: "Let's shoot these two scenes first! Remember, the camera should be more beautiful!"

"Of course!"

After finishing speaking, the studio director turned around and started roll call, telling them to stand up quickly and prepare to shoot.


Among the several scenes that Zhang Yue named and filmed in advance, there was a scene with Su Qiao.

The general plot is that Zhang Sheng played by Zhang Yue encounters heavy snow and strays into the valley of Qingqiu, and is met by Xuanhu played by Su Qiao. The nine-tailed fox has never seen a stranger, so he teases Zhang Sheng for a while, and then makes Zhang Bring it back to Xuehu.

It's just that this plot looks simple, but it is full of difficulties when actually filming.

The plot of Xuanhu molesting Zhang Sheng with spells needs to show the coexistence of youth and sex, but Su Qiao's performance is in place, but Zhang Yue can't get into the scene. However, Zhang Yue still looked unhappy.

He sat in his exclusive seat and said to the staff serving tea: "This kind of newcomer who can't act at all, what are you looking for!"

"Brother Zhang..."

"My time is precious!"

(End of this chapter)

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