I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 229 The Price of Nobility

Chapter 229 The Price of Nobility

Zhang Yue snapped his fingers and asked Su Qiao to come to him: "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Su Qiao was surprised, she nodded first, then shook her head immediately.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Yue's mouth: "What are you afraid of, I won't eat you! Looking at you, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass today! Well, come to my room tonight, and I'll talk to you one-on-one!"

"Brother Zhang, this is not good!"

The director's face changed drastically. Su Qiao is Yi Xi's rumored girlfriend. Zhang Yue is not afraid of causing trouble by doing this!

Although Yi Xi's status in the entertainment industry is not as good as Zhang Yue's for the time being.

"Why not! She is a golden branch and a jade leaf, so she can't move?"

"Well, she has a boyfriend, and her boyfriend is also in the circle..."

The director reminded in a low voice.

"So it's a related household! Coincidentally, I just want to arrange a related household to join the crew."

Zhang Yue sneered, put the room card in her hand, and repeatedly touched the back of her hand with his fingertips: "Room number 504, if you don't come, don't force it!"

The explicit behavior made Su Qiao feel cold all over, but due to the difference in status, she could only endure it.

After seeing him off, the first thing Su Qiao did was to go to the bathroom to wash her hands!Washed over and over again!

After the evening show, Su Qiao was going back to the hotel.

Lin Yinger, who was also a supporting role, walked to her side: "Brother Zhang, are you going to go or not?"

"Will you be put on shoes if you don't go?"

"You have Yi Xi's backing, so you're definitely not afraid. But the scenes with Brother Zhang can't...it will delay the crew's progress..."

"So you mean—"

"Isn't this the way it is in this circle? You sleep with me, and I sleep with you! It's also your luck that Brother Zhang likes you."

Lin Yinger encouraged Su Qiao: "Could it be that you still want to marry Yi Xi and become Mrs. Yi?"

"How do you know that it's impossible for me and him to achieve a positive result?" Su Qiao asked back.

"Well, I wish you happiness!"

Lin Yinger left the dressing room unhappy.

Su Qiao saw that she was upset for Zhang Yue, and threw the room card over: "This is Brother Zhang's room card, take it if you want it!"

"One day you will understand that the reality will make you lose your dignity!"

Lin Yinger picked up the room card and walked out of the dressing room.

After Su Qiao took off her costume, she wrapped the clothes in a plastic bag and stuffed them into her luggage: the clothes are too dirty, it's safer to wash them.


The next day, continue filming.

Zhang Yue was very dissatisfied with Su Qiao's ignorant performance, and directly told the director: "Cut off the scene between her and me! Replace it with Lin Yinger!"

"This one……"

The director glanced at Su Qiao.

Lin Yinger, who was named, walked past Su Qiao proudly: "See, this is the result of being noble!"

Su Qiao tidied up the costumes lazily, not caring at all that the scene was cut for 10 minutes.


Zhang Yue left the crew after filming his part.

Poor Lin Yinger got a 10-minute rivalry scene by knocking on the door, but because of her poor acting skills, the performance was not ideal. support.Because of Su Qiao's good performance, a lot of scenes and scenes were temporarily added, although they may not be used in the feature film.

The one-month closed filming ended soon, and after Su Qiao confirmed that all her scenes had been completed, she packed her bags and prepared to go home.

While sorting things out, she found a bracelet that didn't belong to her in the box.

The jade bracelet is warm in texture, pure white in color, and has excellent water head. It is made of high-quality suet white jade seed material, and its value is at least six figures.

Su Qiao is not a money-grubbing person, but seeing such a beautiful jade bracelet, she couldn't help but cherish it, holding it in her hands and playing with it repeatedly.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

(End of this chapter)

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