I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 234 A Slap in the Face

Chapter 234 I Was Slapped In The Face
The article did not name names, but used adjectives such as girlfriend of a well-known male star, background in a talent show, and first filming a TV series. Anyone who pays a little attention to the recent developments in the entertainment industry can guess that this M actress is her.

"Know that the situation is serious?" Ou Zifan sneered, "This is what you call not being put on by others! You have been ridiculed as kleptomaniac!"

"...No, I...I..."

"Forget it, it's almost time for dinner, talking about it will affect each other's mood!"

Ou Zifan turned around and entered the office.

Holding the newspaper, Su Qiao felt that she had been slapped severely.


Dinner is crayfish, one of Mo Qiaoqiao's favorite foods.

With a whole table of [-]-jin crayfish piled up in front of her, Su Qiao's tongue trembled: "... so many! Do you want to exhaust me to death!"

"how is this possible!"

Ou Zifan snapped his fingers, and three waiters came over to help them peel the lobster.

In just 10 minutes, they peeled an entire plate of lobster meat.

Ou Zifan pushed the lobster meat in front of Su Qiao: "Now you don't have to worry about getting your fingers tired?"

Su Qiao picked up a chopstick of lobster meat: "Eat lobster like this...it doesn't taste good enough..."


Ou Zifan said dotingly, and asked the waiter to go down first.

Su Qiao ate two mouthfuls of lobster meat and asked, "I want to talk about the negative news..."

"The opponent has already issued a gauntlet, do you want to avoid it?"

Ou Zifan sneered.

Su Qiao said: "But I don't have any evidence of planting...the video...has no face...and..."

"Sometimes clarification does not need to produce evidence, but to produce a bigger black material!"

"... Zifan, you..."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt you!" Ou Zifan said sternly, "It's even more impossible to do anything to hurt your man. In fact, I have no ability to hurt him!"

"...Why did I become more worried after hearing your words..."

Su Qiao's voice was lowered by half.

"Okay, don't talk about these unhappy things, what exactly did you ask me for today?" Ou Zifan asked, "First of all, if it makes people unhappy, don't mention it, it will ruin the atmosphere."

"Then I won't mention it, because you will definitely be angry after I say it."

Su Qiao lowered her head and ate the crayfish meat seriously.

Ou Zifan watched her eat lobster until the corners of her mouth were red and spicy, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

"If I can look at you like this for the rest of my life, that's actually pretty good."

"This one……"

Su Qiao's voice was a little unnatural.

Ou Zifan immediately changed the subject: "I'm just talking casually."

Su Qiao licked her fingers: "Is there really no room for negotiation about Yi Xi's matter?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ou Zifan's attitude was unusually serious.

Su Qiao buried her head in eating the lobster meat, and said in a low voice: "But some things are still true even if we avoid them. You can't just because..."

"I know!"

Ou Zifan interrupted Su Qiao's words.

"I know I'm lying, but so what! Can't you understand how I like you!"


Su Qiao felt guilty.

Ou Zifan then changed the subject: "The skit about surrogate women in the finals is Yan Er's idea. Guess what he wants to do?"

"I don't want to know... because it's definitely not a good thing..."

Su Qiao forced herself not to think of the bad, even though she had already vaguely guessed it in her heart.

"Then stop talking."

(End of this chapter)

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