I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 235 The Evil Mask

Chapter 235 The Evil Mask

When the lobster is full, the mood is even worse.

When Su Qiao returned to the villa, she found that Gong Yueming was not there. Cheng Luo looked at her seriously: "You are finally back!"

"What happened?" Su Qiao asked.

"The origin of the mask," Cheng Luo said, "the origin of this clown mask is not simple."

"Why is it not easy..."

Su Qiao sat down next to Cheng Luo.

Cheng Luo turned on the computer: "This is the frontal restoration of the mask I made based on the surveillance images. You can see that its appearance is different from the circus clown masks in most countries."

Su Qiao nodded: "It's really different, very weird."

"In addition, the surface texture shows that the material of this mask is first carved with wood and then painted. I compared the main wooden products in the world and found that this clown mask is only popular in a small island country in the Pacific Ocean, and it is not a tourist souvenir."


Su Qiao's smile froze.

"Afterwards, with the assistance of relevant international organizations, I obtained the entry and exit information of this small island country for the past ten years."

Cheng Luo opened a list full of English.

Su Qiao glanced at her cousin: "A lot of names..."

"It's okay," Cheng Luo said. "This country is very small, with a population of less than [-]. There is only one airport and one port. There are only tens of thousands of foreign tourists every year, even fewer from my country."

As she spoke, she performed a series of dazzling operations on the computer, and the tens of thousands of data sheets suddenly became a dozen.

"That's all of our people who have traveled to this country in the last ten years."

Su Qiao's eyes almost popped out of admiration.


"After all, I am a semi-professional," Cheng Luo said, "Quickly see if there is anyone you know well!"

As he said that, the mouse crossed the name of the person, and the passport photo that the person used when entering and leaving the country jumped out.

Su Qiao looked all the way, and saw an unexpected name: Xia Feng!

"How could she..."

"She goes to the island every two years for a tour," Cheng Luo said, "at least that's what the Exit-Entry Administration says."

"Every two years..."

Su Qiao's lips trembled.

Cheng Luo hurriedly asked, "Did you remember something?"

"...Auntie Xia likes to draw...she is an amateur painter, the Ou family has some oil paintings of tropical scenery..."

"Then has there ever been a landscape like this in her paintings?"

Cheng Luo pulled out a few photos, all of which were unique scenery of the place where the clown mask was produced.

Seeing everything familiar, Su Qiao was stunned!
This is Gongzi Yu's island!
She gripped the handrail tightly to prevent herself from fainting on the spot.

Cheng Luo was also touching her chin, and the simple framing became confusing because of the appearance of the mask.

"Sure enough, the mask belongs to Xiafeng! But why did she do this...why did she wear a mask when she stole the bracelet...what is the special meaning of this mask? Could it be related to religion?"

"But Aunt Xia doesn't look like a cultist..."

"Why do you believe so?"


Su Qiao's lips continued to tremble, and she suddenly realized that she had followed Young Master Yu for a whole year, but knew very little about him.

She only knows that he has boundless power, and that there are countless high-ranking believers who are willing to ignore secular laws for him!

Cheng Luo frowned: "It looks like I have to send someone to investigate the Ou family again! This woman Xia Feng is very... interesting..."

(End of this chapter)

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