I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 249 Just wait and see!

Chapter 249 Just wait and see!

"You're doing really well," she said, "you can wear couture."

"The temperament is good, so the fashion resources are better than others," Su Qiao said confidently, "Of course, such a good thing will not be your turn to wear studio clothes for the time being."

Hearing this, Yang Mengying's hand holding the wine glass burst out with veins.

She is wearing a close-fitting short skirt with an exposed left shoulder today, egg yolk color, and the skirt just reaches half of her thighs, fully showing her advantages of white skin and long legs.

However, this skirt is only the work of a domestic designer studio, and its value is only a few thousand!
Standing next to Su Qiao, who was wearing a designer dress worth only a few thousand dollars, and wearing a blue-blood couture worth hundreds of thousands, Yang Mengying felt very uncomfortable, her inferiority complex grew wildly in her heart like a weed.

"Don't think that you can reach the sky in one step by wearing the Blue Blood brand! Up to now, there are only commercials and five TV roles!"

"What about you! What do you have? Tell me to open my eyes!"

Su Qiao sneered back at Yang Mengying.

As a human being, she doesn't mind losing to anyone, but she absolutely cannot lose to Yang Mengying.

"I'm going to lead a TV series soon." Yang Mengying said proudly, "Ancient puppet, the leading actress!"

"so smart?"

Su Qiao hadn't heard that Huanmu had plans to shoot a leading female lead recently.

"Wait, at most three years, I can crush you in all directions!"

Yang Mengying said arrogantly, ready to leave.

But Su Qiao held her back, and said with a smile, "So what if you fly high? Don't forget about the hotel."

Hearing this, Yang Mengying's face froze immediately.

"……you you……"

Su Qiao smiled: "If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing. Do you still need me to teach such a simple truth?"

After speaking, Su Qiao left first.

Yang Mengying stayed where she was, her teeth grinding with anger!

After dealing with Yang Mengying, Su Qiao was about to find a corner to sit down and rest for a while, when suddenly there was a gentleman-looking man beside her.

"Mind if I stand by your side for a while?"

The man showed Su Qiao a smile that he thought was turning all sentient beings upside down.


Su Qiao told the truth that although the man was handsome, she felt terrible, like a wall with too much paint, full of unreality like a wax figure.

"You really have no sense of humor."

The man laughed at himself, and then introduced himself: "I'm Zong Hai, nice to meet you, chocolate girl."

"Nice to meet you."

Su Qiao spoke perfunctorily, not even bothering to stretch out her hand.

This made Zong Hai, who had always thought highly of himself, feel bad.

He said: "As a newcomer, you are very unreserved, and you don't know how to respect your elders at all."

Su Qiao smiled: "I have always respected the old and loved the young, but Mr. Zong is neither old nor young."

Zong Hai was a little choked, and laughed dryly: "You can talk very well, but sometimes being too sharp may not be a good thing."

Su Qiao took the cocktail from the waiter: "Cheers to our consensus."

Zong Hai clinked glasses with Su Qiao awkwardly.

At this time, He Sheng had finished talking with Yang Ye. Seeing Su Qiao being entangled by Zong Hai, he took the initiative to walk to Su Qiao's side: "Why are you with him..."

"I happened to meet."

Su Qiao glanced at Zhang Keren not far away: "Are you sure you don't want to say hello to her?"

"She is living like a fish in water now, why should I destroy her happiness?"

He Sheng also took a glass of wine: "Mr. Zong, I have always admired you!"

"Don't dare." Zong Hai had a hypocritical smile on his face.

When people around heard He Sheng and Zong Hai talking, they all pricked up their ears to eavesdrop.

(End of this chapter)

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