Chapter 250
He Sheng glanced around, and said slowly: "I admire you for acting in so many costume dramas, you still don't distinguish between left and right clothes, and you wear shrouds every time you shoot."

Zong Hai's smile froze.

"He Caizi..." He laughed dryly, "Don't you think that's a bit..."

"Don't you want me to congratulate you on the popularity of the cutout giant system?" He Sheng said, "To me, there are only four words that can describe a person like you—"

"Which four words?"

The surrounding people booed maliciously.

He Sheng said word by word: "Industry-world-poison-tumor!"

Zong Hai froze.

Su Qiao laughed.

Knowing that He Sheng's words are poisonous, I didn't expect it to be so poisonous, even in front of the person involved...

But at this time, Yang Ye added: "I didn't expect that there would be times when I agree with the brothers of the He family."

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the venue, and everyone looked at Zong Hai with the same eyes.

The public's gaze made Zong Hai extremely embarrassed, and he wished he could dig a hole in the floor and sink down immediately.

Seeing his embarrassment, Su Qiao silently said two words: deserve it!

It's a charity gala, and the highlight is naturally the donation link.

After confirming that all the guests have arrived, the host invited everyone to take their seats, and asked the children from impoverished mountainous areas to come on stage to introduce the situation of their hometown and some talent shows.

Poverty and the brilliance that poverty cannot kill caused the artists to shed tears on the spot, and then generously donated their money.

Almost every artist who attended the banquet donated money, either in the name of individuals or in the name of the company, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands or even millions. When the children heard these numbers, they were blown away by the mountain wind. A simple smile appeared on the black and red face.

Su Qiao donated 100 million in the name of Ou Que.

When she handed the check to the waiter, the waiter's face was obviously shocked, and the host also showed an expression of disbelief.

"As expected of Miss Mo," he said, "It's a generous move!"

"But the Pretty Woman Group is going to donate 500 million." Yang Ye smiled and stood up, "The company will give 300 million, and He Zai and I will each add 100 million!"

The host was stunned for a moment: "Mr. Yang, have you discussed this matter with Mr. He beforehand?"

"No, but I, who raises a large family in the studio, can donate 100 million. He Zai is alone, and there is no pressure to donate 100 million."

Yang Ye glanced at He Sheng: "You think I'm right, He Caizi?"

"Brother has always cared about the children in poor mountainous areas." He Sheng said dryly, "He won't have any objections."

So the host announced loudly: "Qiaojiaren Group donated 500 million!"

All the artists in the audience applauded enthusiastically, but the sourness in their eyes could not be concealed.

What is the origin of this Qiaojiaren group, why can they sign two movie kings, and let the two movie kings live in harmony!
After that, Zhang Keren donated 200 million on behalf of Huanmu Films, Ye Qiao donated 200 million on behalf of Ou Shi, and other small companies also sent artists to donate money to show their generosity.

In the atmosphere of rejoicing between the guests and the host, a charity dinner came to an end.


Su Qiao walked out of the venue, ready to drive home.

When he was about to walk in front of the sports car, Zong Hai suddenly appeared.

His smile has the hypocrisy and stiffness unique to wax figures.

"I didn't expect that Ms. Mo was actually from the Ou family, and I didn't expect that Ms. Mo would donate millions of dollars even though she was deprived of her inheritance rights!"

"What do you want!"

Su Qiao looked around vigilantly.

Today is a celebrity dinner, and there should be reporters lurking in an environment like the parking lot.

"I don't want to do anything, I just feel that I wasted a great opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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