Chapter 252 Gumantong

Su Qiao counted the flowers in the vase: "Will you die if you don't make a high profile?"

"Yes, for the chief, he will indeed die."

Cheng Luo is sitting on the desk. She is now the legal person of Qiaojiaren Group Company and the special assistant to the chairman. There are endless things that need to be handled by her.

"Then what should I do? What will I do in the future?"

Su Qiao looked at Cheng Luo for help.

"We can do whatever we want in the future? The chief executive can only interfere with matters in the entertainment industry."


"Really," Cheng Luo said, "at best, the approval process for each drama you participate in will be relatively looser and faster, the crew and investors will be more generous, and unspoken rules will be kept away..."

"A series of car accidents happened on the elevated road yesterday, causing one person to be seriously injured, three people to be slightly injured, and four vehicles to be seriously damaged. The three people who were slightly injured were all fine after simple bandaging, and they will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. The seriously injured are still in a coma. The situation is serious. According to the whistleblower, the seriously injured person is the popular entertainment star Zong Hai. At present, Zong Hai's manager has gone to the hospital to confirm the situation."

The screen switched to the scene, and Su Qiao saw that the Lamborghini in the middle was hit beyond recognition, and the three cars in the front and rear were also damaged to varying degrees.

"What did Zong Hai do?" She muttered, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was a retaliatory car accident.

Cheng Lu smiled ambiguously after hearing the words: "Why do you think he was bumped?"

"Why...won't it be..."

Su Qiao thought of a certain possibility and covered her mouth.

Cheng Luo said, "Don't you think you don't have that much energy?"

"No, I just feel that...he just messed with me, there's no reason to knock someone into the hospital..."

"Just being hospitalized won't appease your man."

Cheng Luo picked up a pen and turned it around jokingly.

"There are quite a few professors in the medical circle who are good friends of Gu Hai!"

"He didn't want Zong Hai to amputate his leg!"

Su Qiao thought it was a bit funny to imagine Zong Hai becoming disabled.

"A vulgar thing like amputation is not my style."

Gong Yueming's voice suddenly sounded, followed by a man who looked like an eminent monk.

When the eminent monk saw Su Qiao, a touch of surprise rolled across his face.

Afterwards, he gave Su Qiao a half-respect: "Female benefactor, you are about to face disaster!"

"A catastrophe is imminent? What do you mean?"

Su Qiao didn't understand what he meant, and looked at Gong Yueming for help.

Cheng Luo stepped forward and introduced: "This is a hermit mage from Yuquan Temple. He has practiced in seclusion for more than 50 years. Last month, the customs found a batch of smuggled goods of Gumantong, and we specially invited him to come over to preside over the transcendence." destroy."

"But what does that have to do with me?" Su Qiao asked. She is a clean and good person. In her previous life, she didn't raise ghosts or Gumantong. In this life, she only has a few relics left by Ou Que and Mo Yanran.

"I want him to look at your fortune for you."

When Gong Yueming said this, the old monk was already looking at Su Qiao's face and hands.

"Your bones are very good, but your fortune is not very good," said the old monk. "You are destined to experience many disasters and blessings. Your life will be more difficult than most people, and you will even encounter death more than once." .”

"Why is there a death calamity?" Su Qiao asked.

"Because your fate is too envious." The great monk said, "I can see at least ten jealousy marks on you, all of which are left by people who hate you. Even some of them have Take the evil path and try to harm you with crooked ways. Although the result of doing so must be that I will be backlashed!"

(End of this chapter)

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