I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 253 1 Must Give Me a Daughter

Chapter 253 Must Give Me a Daughter
"Is there really magic in the world? Are there imps and Gumantong?"

Both Cheng Luo and Gong Yueming are standard atheists.

Su Qiao looked at the old monk expectantly. When she was with Gongzi Yu, she saw many things that could not be explained by science, not to mention that rebirth itself was not scientific.

"People's thoughts are terrible." The master said, "Resentment and ghosts are thoughts."

"Is there a way to resolve it?" Gong Yueming asked.

"No, I don't know where they are and what kind of magic they used." The mage said, "Fortunately, there is a powerful force by your side. As long as you have him by your side, you can avert all dangers. In addition , your fate is also very strange, your spirit altar is in a state of neither death nor life... Besides, you have a close relative who has the most precious fate, which is no worse than the power around you to protect you!"

"A close relative who has the most precious life? You mean my father is still alive?"

"From your face, both your parents are dead, but from your appearance, your father is still alive, so it is in a state of neither life nor death." The mage continued, "The two most important people in your life are both Ziwei's fate, so even though you have a rough life and no solution to the bad luck between your brows, there is a purple aura that sticks to the Mingtai all the time, helping you to turn danger into good luck every time."

Obviously, the two most important people that the great monk mentioned, one refers to Gong Yueming, and the other is Mo Qiaoqiao's father who still doesn't know where he is.

It's a pity that the identity of Mo Qiaoqiao's biological father is very important. Su Qiao asked who he was, but the old monk was full of perfunctory words like "the secret must not be revealed".

Su Qiao could only send the mage away with a smile on her face, then turned around and acted like a spoiled child to Gong Yueming: "Honey, do you know who my father is?"

"I don't know, but you can try to find it!"

Gong Yueming did not give an affirmative answer.

Su Qiao is actually not very persistent about finding a father for Mo Qiaoqiao. Seeing that Gong Yueming did not show his usual confident expression, she immediately changed her words: "It's nothing if I can't find it. After so many years without a father or a mother, I Long ago..."

"I will help you find him!" Gong Yueming said forcefully, "It doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive, human or ghost!"

"Why?" Su Qiao asked.

"Because you don't have a mother, if you don't even have a father, wouldn't our children have to receive a lot less red envelopes?"

Gong Yueming scratched Su Qiao's nose.

Su Qiao's hair on her back stood on end by his sudden sense of humor.

"You actually charged a few more red envelopes for your child... Wait, why have you thought about our child so far away! What if I can't have a baby!"

Giving birth is very painful, and you have to suffer every day from the beginning of pregnancy.

"If you can't have a baby or don't want to have a baby, then find a surrogate! Be sure to have a daughter! Like your daughter!"

Gong Yueming held her face: "It would be a pity not to pass on such a good-looking gene."

"Do you think you are a breed cat with a bloodline!"

Su Qiao muttered, feeling very comfortable in her heart.


"Shan Hai Jing: The Nine-Tailed Fox" was purchased by three TV stations, and it was scheduled to start in January of spring. As one of the actors, Su Qiao was also notified to participate in the promotional activities.

Considering her current coffee position, Su Qiao deliberately wears mid-range brands and does not wear expensive jewelry when she goes out for events.But because of her status as Yi Xi's girlfriend, and the high-profile reception held by Qiaojiaren Group, even if she hid herself in a corner during the publicity event, she was always spotted by reporters and asked all kinds of questions.

(End of this chapter)

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