I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 254 The Airborne Crew

Chapter 254 The Airborne Crew
After all, Su Qiao is a former actress, no matter how low-key she is in this life, her natural aura cannot be concealed.

When interviewed by the reporter, she talked calmly, even though the other party's questions became more and more vicious, the response was always amiable.

Compared to her getting more and more mature, Zeng Jing, who was in the same crew, behaved too badly.

Maybe it's because when the phone was turned on, she was hinted by the P picture of someone who cared about her being overwhelmed by a newcomer. When attending the promotional activities of "Nine-Tailed Fox", Zeng Jing was always nervous. When taking pictures, she stood in the wrong position again and again, answering When reporters asked questions, they repeatedly broke out remarks that did not match the image positioning.

The media are all scumbags. The more mistakes Zeng Jing makes, the happier they are. In addition, the opponent has given enough care.

Soon, Zeng Jing's reputation fell to a new low. In order not to affect the ratings and subsequent advertising quotations, the three TV stations that bought "Nine-Tailed Fox" jointly proposed a second editing request to the crew, asking the crew to reduce Zeng Jing's scenes 50.00%, all content irrelevant to the main story line is removed!

Xuehu, played by Zeng Jing, is a key role. With her 50.00% cut, the 100-episode TV series lost five episodes. According to the broadcast price of 500 million yuan per episode given by the TV station, it lost instantly Fifteen million!

Naturally, the production crew refused to suffer a loss, and immediately brought back all the other actresses who played the fox except Zeng Jing, and re-shooted three episodes of the scene, at least a little loss can be recovered!
Su Qiao was also among those recalled.


At this time, the script of the first season of "The Evil Girl" has already begun to be reviewed, and the team has also been formed initially. When she saw the invitation letter from the crew, Cheng Luo wanted to reject it on her behalf.

But Su Qiao decided to accept it.

She said: "When I was falsely accused of stealing the bracelet, the director helped me. In fact, I didn't have dinner with him at noon that day."

"So you want to return his favor?"

Su Qiao nodded: "You have to have a conscience, don't you?"

However, Su Qiao still underestimated the shamelessness of capital.

On the first day she came to the crew for reshoots, the director pulled her aside and said in a low voice, "The crew is going to parachute someone."

"Airborne who?"

"Zhang Meiyan, she has received a lot of attention recently, and it happened that Zeng Jing was cut from the scene, and the producer asked me to squeeze in five or 10 minutes of scenes for her."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I want to add a scene to you, rehearsal with Zhang Meiyan, two 10 minutes, are you interested?"

"This one……"

"Of course, I don't accept it and I don't force it," the director said politely, "Zhang Miyan's role is the courtesan of a brothel."

"What role?" Su Qiao asked.

The director gave her the script.

After Nine-Tailed Fox left Qingqiu for Zhang Sheng, Xuanhu and other foxes also left Qingqiu in order to get her back. One of the foxes was tricked into the brothel by traffickers because of his ignorance of the world, and had a relationship with the oiran of the brothel for several days. , so a rough understanding of human feelings.

"This...isn't it a bit too forced to add drama?"

The director smiled: "The investor's request, they want to see the scene of Zhang Miyan getting out of the bath."

"Is there a lot of rivalry?" Su Qiao asked.

"The plot related to Zhang Meiyan is a total of one and a half episodes. The scenes between you and her opponent take up 10 minutes. Don't worry, there are no revealing scenes."

"It's not a big problem if there's some revealing scene, as long as the person revealing is her and not me, it's fine."

Su Qiao accepted the director's request with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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