I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 260 Han Jie Passed Away

Chapter 260 Han Jie Passed Away

Ambiguous breaths wrapped around her body, and Su Qiao's ups and downs became intense: "Of course it's true, I... I've always been... always..."

"What was it? Lied to me? Or—"

The fingers slid all the way down, and the man's kiss fell on the woman's neck: "If you encounter any unbearable weight, you must let me share it. Don't forget, we are husband and wife!"

"But husband and wife... I... I..."

"Why, you don't want to accept me?"

The man's kiss was like the devil's trace, sliding down against Su Qiao's body, gradually deepening, making her uncontrollable——

"...No, I didn't, I just..."


In the morning, after Su Qiao got up, she suddenly received a call from Han Lei, the temporary manager arranged by Ximen.

"whats the matter?"

"The headlines of social media," Han Lei said, "Han Jie is dead."

"Han Jie is...it's her!"

Su Qiao was shocked. Han Jie met Su Qiao when she starred in the TV series "The Wind and Cloud" for the first time. The girl is not very popular, but she is quite popular with the audience. Participated in "Nine-Tailed Fox", which just finished filming.

"How did this happen! What happened? All right..."

In the crew of "Nine-Tailed Fox", Han Jie mentioned her boyfriend more than once, saying that she was going to get married at the end of the year.

"Accident. The night before yesterday, she went to the hospital with her boyfriend to visit her grandmother. When she left the hospital, she had a quarrel with a drunkard over parking. The drunkard suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed her twice. Her boyfriend was also hacked. She was stabbed three times. Her boyfriend was lucky, and the wounds were all on his legs, but she was not so lucky, one knife for the heart, one knife for the spleen, and one knife was fatal!"

"... so cruel!"

Su Qiao exclaimed, Han Jie and her boyfriend are only one step away from cultivating a real fruit, why...

"At present, the suspect has been controlled by the police. I hope that the truth can be found out as soon as possible, the murderer will be severely punished, and justice will be returned to her."

"Ok, I know……"

With tears in her eyes, Su Qiao continued to ask Han Lei, "Do you need me to do anything for her?"

"I don't need anything, the crew will post a condolence Weibo later, remember to retweet it."

After speaking, Han Lei hung up the phone.

Su Qiao logged on to Weibo, and sure enough, she found the crew's mourning Weibo: "Dear friends, you more or less know about Han Jie, yes, Jiejie has passed away from this world. We are the same as you, so far Still can't accept this fact! But... she really left."

Su Qiao didn't pay attention to the crew, but just forwarded Weibo.

Then, she went offline.


At night, when Su Qiao finished making the mask and was washing her face, the phone suddenly rang wildly.

Su Qiao answered the phone, and it was He Sheng who called.

"Did you read the news! Su Qiao is still alive! She's still alive!"

Su Qiao was very surprised and asked, "What happened? Why is Su Qiao still alive..."

"Hurry up and read the entertainment headlines! You know about Han Jie's unexpected death!"


"Su Qiao reposted the crew's mourning Weibo to Han Jie! And the reporter also contacted Su Qiao's team to make sure that none of them logged in to their account and reposted it! What does this mean! Su Qiao is still alive! She is still alive !"

On the other side of the phone, He Sheng's voice was almost crazy with excitement.

Su Qiao panicked.

Who logged into my Weibo account!

Wait, when I retweeted Weibo, did I use Mo Qiaoqiao's account or——

Su Qiao recalled the past, and suddenly realized that she logged in with Su Qiao's account this morning, not Mo Qiaoqiao's account!
(End of this chapter)

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