Chapter 261

After hanging up He Sheng's phone call, she quickly opened Weibo.

The default account is still Mo Qiaoqiao, but there is indeed Su Qiao in the login trace...

Who... tampered with my phone...

Who changed the default login account of my mobile phone? !

Gong Yueming?
But why did he do this!

How could he have my account number and password!How could I think of using my mobile phone to log in to Su Qiao's account!
He... Could he already know that I am Su Qiao?
impossible!Absolutely impossible!
The more Su Qiao thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she turned on the entertainment broadcast.

Han Jie's tragic death was the entertainment headline today, but the focus of the reports was on Su Qiao.

"The actress Su Qiao has been missing for a whole year. Where is she now? Why has there been no news and no contact with her team?"

The host spoke affectionately, but Su Qiao only felt cold all over her body.

She hugged her knees, grasping her with a bone-chilling coldness, she couldn't feel anything...


"Sleeping on the sofa will catch a cold."

The caring voice fell with the blanket, Su Qiao raised her head, and hugged the man's neck: "If one day, it turns out that I am not me, will you continue to love me?"

"What foolish things to say, Qiaoqiao is not Qiaoqiao, who else can it be."

Gong Yueming hugged Su Qiao, stroking her hair tirelessly with his fingers.

"But me... what if I'm not Mo Qiaoqiao? What if I become an ugly monster? Will you continue to like me? Do you like an ugly monster?"

"It's more realistic to ask me this question after you really become an ugly monster."

Gong Yueming patted her on the back: "Don't think wildly, the CPU of your brain will be overloaded."

"You'll say things that don't hurt."

Su Qiao raised her head and looked into Gong Yueming's eyes: "When did you start liking me?"

She wanted to know whether Gong Yueming liked the original Mo Qiaoqiao or the Mo Qiaoqiao who was replaced by Su Qiao.

"I can't remember... I just remember that every time I see you, it's like seeing a lighthouse in the dark. Everything I cared about in the past has become insignificant, and I only have you in my eyes."

"Impossible, impossible to see nothing but me!"

Su Qiao wrapped her arms around Gong Yueming's neck: "Husband, you know that I'm not good at thinking, I can't remember the past, and I don't even know when we formed a bad relationship..."

"It's fate, not fate."

"The nature is not the same," Su Qiao muttered, "Husband, please satisfy me! I really want to know... Otherwise, I always feel that I am sorry for you..."

"Since you have forgotten it, forget it completely!"

Gong Yueming kissed her forehead lightly: "The subconscious mind wants you to forget, because it thinks these are all unhappy things."

"But I want to know, I don't want to—"

Mouth blocked.

After a kiss, the man raised his head and said to her: "The past can only be the past, don't think about it! Remember that the past has no meaning for the future!"

"...But my husband... I want to know..."

Su Qiao didn't want to live in such a muddle, too much uncertainty and unclearness made her feel scared.

"Don't ask about the past anymore," the man said, biting his ear again, "The past was not happy, you just need to listen to me and stay by my side..."

"But...well, are right..."

Su Qiao surrendered without disappointment.

She didn't dare to fight with men, she was afraid that if she finally figured out the first step, she would be completely defeated in the next countless steps.

"Just don't think about it, woman..."

(End of this chapter)

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