I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 274 Who will save me!

Chapter 274 Who will save me!
Back in the room, Su Qiao suddenly felt strange.

There was a drowsy smell in the air.

She said to Gong Yueming: "Husband, why do I feel that the room smells like it hasn't been cleaned for decades."

"I just think the smell here is too bad, so I only come here for two days every year during family gatherings."

Gong Yueming waved his hand, ready to open the window.

Seeing that the sky had completely darkened, Su Qiao said, "Forget it, just stay up all night! Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Gong Yueming said: "Now that I know your husband, how wise am I?"

Su Qiao pinched his face and said, "Don't give me too much money and be a good boy!"

Gong Yueming smiled, noncommittal.


In the evening, after Su Qiao took a bath, she lay on the bed and watched the script of "The Evil Girl".

This was a habit she developed in her previous life. Even if it was a guest performance with only one line, she had to read the entire script.

Gong Yueming handles official business by her side.

Gong Yueming quickly took care of everything and came over to read Su Qiao's script.

"It's lucky that you like watching such a boring thing!"

Su Qiao was speechless.

"Is the script boring? Well, in the eyes of someone like you who likes to fall in love with code, the love story is indeed a bit boring."

Su Qiao gave up the possibility of reasoning with Gong Yueming, but the man suddenly lowered his head and licked her face.

Su Qiao was taken aback: "What do you want to do again?"

"It's nothing, I feel like I've had too much dinner, and I want to do something to digest it."

The righteous hooligan made Su Qiao very helpless, and was about to turn off the tablet to deal with the man, when her body moved, a more intense lethargic smell came from under her.

"Okay... so uncomfortable..."

She said dejectedly, her forehead covered with cold sweat.

Gong Yueming originally wanted to be intimate with her, but when he saw his wife's expression changed suddenly, her body was covered in cold sweat, her hands and feet were trembling, and she hurriedly dialed the internal number: "Doctor! Come here immediately! My wife...is in trouble! It seems... Anyway, come here immediately !"

After hanging up the phone, Gong Yueming picked up Su Qiao and asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Can you hear me?"

Su Qiao raised her hand with difficulty, she wanted to grab Gong Yueming's collar, but she couldn't use her hand at all, and her body was completely out of control as if her soul had come out of her body.

In front of him, there was darkness.

There are small noises in my ears...



The endless darkness.

The body is like a balloon wandering in the endless darkness.

She wanted to stop, to land, but her body was completely out of control.

……who!Who can help me!

Where am I!

In the mist, the body suddenly became heavy, and then the whole consciousness fell down heavily!
Su Qiao opened her eyes and looked at the familiar things in front of her eyes: "...I... am I still alive?"

Gong Yueming didn't speak, just looked at her, fingering the bangs on his forehead.

His eyes are so focused and cautious, as if what he is stroking is not his wife, but a super weapon that can determine the fate of all mankind.

Su Qiao was frightened by his eyes and dared not speak.

At this time, Gong Yueming also realized his gaffe, smiled slightly, and said: "I was really scared to death just now!"

After speaking, he immediately hugged Su Qiao tightly, so tight that Su Qiao even suspected that she would be suffocated by him in the next second.

"Don't hold it so tight, I'll be out of breath..."

"I must hold you tight, lest you turn into a butterfly and fly away."

Gong Yueming spoke solemnly and deeply, every word was full of deep affection.

Su Qiao closed her eyes.

No matter what the man was thinking when he hugged her tightly, she was willing to immerse herself in the tenderness of this moment.

This is the warmth that no one can give her except Gong Yueming.

(End of this chapter)

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