I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 275 Don't Leave Me

Chapter 275 Don't Leave Me

The whole night, Gong Yueming hugged Su Qiao tightly, and did not let go until it was bright.

Su Qiao carefully broke away from the hug: "Honey, it's already dawn..."

"Still feeling sick?"

Su Qiao thought for a while and said, "Fortunately, it's not particularly uncomfortable, it just feels... my heart is in a panic."

"My heart is holding back? It seems like I lost my soul?"

Su Qiao nodded.

Gong Yueming signaled the guard to open the window.

The early morning wind blew into the room, but it couldn't blow away the depression in Su Qiao's heart.

"I still feel uncomfortable," Su Qiao said cautiously, "Husband, do you think I'm hypocritical? Even smelling it makes me faint?"

"how is this possible!"

Gong Yueming comforted Su Qiao.

Su Qiao felt more and more that his tenderness was unreal.

When she thought about it, she supported the pillow with her backhand, but felt an inexplicable burning pain, as if the palm of her hand was pierced by a red-hot iron rod!

"it hurts!"

With an exclamation, the pillow fell to the ground, and a small golden bag rolled out.

Gong Yueming frowned and picked up the gold bag, opened it, and shook out a black thing.

Seeing the dark thing, Su Qiao suddenly felt a colic in her stomach: "It's this thing! It makes me feel sick all over!"


Gong Yueming put the stone back in his pocket and handed it to the guard.

Su Qiao immediately relaxed.

She grabbed Gong Yueming's collar: "What is it?"

"I don't know, I can only confirm that it is an allergen." Gong Yueming said, "I will ask the doctor to analyze the ingredients to avoid similar things from happening."

"You are so kind to me."

Su Qiao pretended to be cheerful and said, she knew in her heart that the thing in the golden pouch was not an allergen at all, it was——

Fragrance from the soul!
Gongzi Yu's people have found her!

After breakfast, Gong Yueming was sure that Su Qiao was fine, so he flew with her and left the old house of the Gong family.

After leaving the Gong family, Su Qiao revived immediately.

"Sure enough, the Gong family doesn't agree with me."

Hearing this, Gong Yueming attached his body in dissatisfaction: "Are you and I also incompatible?"

"...Master Chief..."

Su Qiao quickly showed a flattering expression.

This man is her life-saving talisman.

"I'm wrong, it's because the rest of the Gong family and I don't get along, but my husband, you and I are a natural match..."


The man's voice became lower and lower, and so did his handsome face.

Su Qiao felt guilty and said, "Of course it's true. Why should I lie to you?"

"When did you dare not lie to me?"

The slightly gloomy words gave Su Qiao a chill: What did he see?

Fortunately, in the next second, the man changed his attitude.

He touched her face and said, "I love you, so don't leave me! Even if you lie to me, don't tell me—you don't love me!"


"If you dare to tell me that you don't love me, I'll beat you until you can't take care of yourself. You can only lie on the bed every day and accept my care!"

The man spoke coldly and affectionately, and a cold kiss fell on her mouth.

Su Qiao felt even weirder.

What kind of betrayal did he experience?
Who is that woman whom he crazily admires?Where are you now?

For some reason, Su Qiao was a little envious of that woman. When she was treated with similar madness by Young Master Yu, she only felt disgust and hatred in her heart.


"Nine-Tailed Fox" officially launched.

What Su Qiao was worried about really happened.

The plagiarism of the original work was brought up again, and the Internet is full of crusades from righteous people, and the protagonists are also fishing in troubled waters, cursing the illogicality of the TV series and the plagiarism of the plot, and even pretending to be heartbroken: This is a plagiarist who is killing me In the era of original creators, in the long run, originality must die!
(End of this chapter)

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