Chapter 276

Seeing the increasingly fierce scolding on the Internet, Su Qiao was helpless, and said to Cheng Luo, "When will the filming of "The Wicked Girl" officially start?"

"The opening ceremony is next Tuesday, but you have a reception this Friday."

"What reception? Why didn't I know?"

Su Qiao was a little surprised.

"The Pork Cocktail Ceremony jointly organized by Huaxing, Huanmu and Ou's is to give the newly signed artists to the industry veterans. Qiaojiaren also got the invitation letter because she signed two movie stars."

After listening to Cheng Luo's words, Su Qiao remembered that there was indeed such a reception.

"You plan to let me participate?" Su Qiao asked.

Cheng Luo said: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to participate, anyway, the whole company is yours—"

"I want to participate."

Su Qiao interrupted Cheng Luo.

Cheng Luo then asked her: "Who do you want to accompany you to participate?"

Su Qiao rubbed her chin: "He Sheng is not bad."

"Why He Sheng? Can He Zai not do it?"

Su Qiao smiled wryly: "Sister Cheng, you don't need to be in such a hurry to die! I want to attend the reception with Best Actor He, and I will definitely be sentenced to death by the chief!"


He Zai is known as the walking hormone. When Su Qiao played with him before, he was almost passed out by Su De.

On the day of the reception, Su Qiao chose a dark-colored ancient Greek style early spring new haute couture, which looked simple and elegant.

Seeing Su Qiao like this, He Sheng was amazed and said, "Miss Mo, are you sure you don't need to change your male partner?"

"No need, actor He's specifications are too high, I'm afraid I can't bear it."

"But walking beside such a beautiful you, I feel like I have become a bag-carrying boy."

Speaking exaggeratedly, He Sheng walked up to Su Qiao: "Let's go!"

Su Qiao smiled and got into the car with him.


The lack of success in the entertainment industry made this reception specially held for newcomers inevitably a bit dim. The entertainment journalists who squatted beside the red carpet early in the morning waited for a long time but did not get any important newcomers.

In desperation, they had no choice but to interview whoever they caught. Many young stars who were not qualified to attend large-scale events seized the opportunity to show themselves to the camera. The eager attitude and non-playing answers made the reporters feel that their status was greatly reduced.

Just when the atmosphere was awkward, He Sheng and Su Qiao appeared.

According to the agreement, they were supposed to be the finale of today's red carpet, but when she saw Yang Mengying and Zhang Keren's car parked at the end of the red carpet, Su Qiao made a bold decision.

"They want to grab the finale, let them do it!" Su Qiao said, "I never have the chance to be the finale!"

He Sheng also recognized her.

The two hit it off and got off the car ahead of time, and the organizer was anxious: Zhang Keren and He Sheng are fighting for the finale, aren't you afraid of embarrassment!

But he had already got off the car, so he could only be anxious.

On the contrary, when the reporters saw Mo Qiaoqiao and He Sheng approaching, they rushed up.

"Mr. He, can you tell us when your new work will start shooting?"

"Miss Mo, may I ask what is Qiao Jiaren's position for you... Will you become the queen's fringe for the two film kings!"

"Miss Mo, what do you think about plagiarism?"


The swarm of questions made Su Qiao overwhelmed, especially the reporter who asked the plagiarism in front of He Sheng.

However, Su Qiao dared to come to participate in the event, so she naturally thought of the possibility of being asked about plagiarism.

After some scenes, she took over the microphone of the reporter who asked about plagiarism, and said: "Plagiarism is of course not advisable. But TV dramas are the art of a group of people, and the efforts of everyone else cannot be obliterated just because of a black spot on a white paper. "

"Since Ms. Mo also thinks plagiarism is wrong, why do you still accept plagiarized TV dramas?"

(End of this chapter)

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