I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 440 Tear Bleeding

Chapter 440 Tear Bleeding
"You are who you are, and who you think you are is who you are."

Ximen comforted Su Qiao: "In the eyes of different people, you have different labels, which are determined by their positions. I am your manager, so the label I give you is an artist! You are my artist, A diamond excavated and polished by me, I want you to become the most legendary and special existence in this era! Anyone who stands in my way, even you, will become my enemy!"

His words were very utilitarian, but they injected new impetus into Su Qiao's heart.

"Yes, it doesn't matter who I am, people look at others from their own perspective!"

Su Qiao raised her head and said, "Has the draft of the Kaiyun dinner come out? Did you mention me?"

"It came out, but no one mentioned you," Ximen said regretfully, "The official reports focus on Yuan Yuge, and the hot search on the Internet is Zong Hai."

Su Qiao swiped her phone, and sure enough, she saw "Zong Hai Opening Cloud Dinner" became the entertainment headline. After she clicked on it, the screen was full of fans, nympho and passers-by who liked it.

Su Qiao suddenly felt amused, and said: "A man who walked into the venue relying on his girlfriend turned himself into a serious guest who got tickets, and even exchanged views with many international superstars! Come on! , his broken English, besides being able to say his name clearly, what else can he say!"

"But now he—"

"Do you know what I want to do most right now?"

Su Qiao raised her head and glanced at Ximen.

Ximen said with a smile: "The information has been released, and soon his opponent will send sailors to tear him down. It's a pity that he entered the arena after all and took a photo with the organizer, otherwise he could have been torn to pieces all at once."

"Tear blood at once? It's too cheap for him!"

Su Qiao felt even more uncomfortable when she remembered that she was maliciously targeted by Zong Hai's fan group just because of her close relationship with Yi Xi, and Zong Hai himself always showed the shameless appearance of a noble prince overlooking all living beings.

"Then how do you want to deal with it?" Simon asked, "Do you want him to never survive in the entertainment industry?"

"The dream is like this, but the reality is definitely impossible." Su Qiao said, "In this world, evil is not always rewarded with evil. Some people go all the way to the extreme, but the ending is very happy."

"Do you hate?" Ximen asked, "Do you hate Young Master Yu more, or do you hate Gong Yueming more?"

"I hate them all, but I don't know who is more hateful."

Su Qiao leaned on the pillow and said: "It can only be said that people's fate is made step by step. They pushed me into the abyss of misfortune, but I did make many wrong decisions."

The long eyelashes fluttered slightly. She raised her head and said to Simon: "Can you be honest with me? Do you think more about me, or do you listen to their orders more?"

Ximen smiled wryly, and said, "I'm a businessman. Of course, businessmen value their products the most. My goal is to sell my products at a good price, so—"

"So you're not willing to give me a definite ending?"

Simon stopped talking.

Su Qiao said, "Okay, what else do you have prepared for me in Cannes?"

"Work is never over, but what you need most now is a break." Simon said, "Even the worst capitalists can't keep their cattle and sheep working non-stop."

"You are human!"

Su Qiao looked at the process of the film festival and decided to take a nap first.

(End of this chapter)

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