I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 441 This Is Not What I Want

Chapter 441 This Is Not What I Want

Su Qiao felt that sooner or later she was going to collapse, and was tortured to the point of collapse by these two men.

One insists that she go back to the past, and the other is blind and cannot see her.

"If I had a choice, I wish nothing had happened. Ordinary, nothing."

She was talking to herself, preparing to change her clothes to participate in today's event.

Both Ximen and Long Nan walked out of the room, but it was not the makeup artist who entered the room, but the person she least wanted to see right now!
"What are you doing here!" Su Qiao said, "I don't know that I'm being targeted by the paparazzi! If I accidentally leave photo evidence, it will all be over!"

"I've already said that anyone who dares to publish your ugly photos will have their press credentials revoked! Under such circumstances, will anyone dare to fight me to the death!"

Gong Yueming's attitude is not only arrogant, but also unreasonable.

Su Qiao was in a hurry and wanted to leave, but was blocked by the man like a wall!
While stretching her long arms, she was swept onto the bed. Su Qiao stabilized her body and questioned Gong Yueming, "Hey! What do you want to do again!"

"What do I want to do? What do you say I want to do?"

Gong Yueming looked at Su Qiao mockingly, this greedy woman!

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how could you know what you think without saying it?!"

Su Qiao looked at Gong Yueming angrily.

Gong Yueming said: "You can't even do basic observation, how can you be a wife!"

"That's it, why, do you think my wife is incompetent? You want me to kneel down and serve you tea and water every day like a fool in Durban. Okay', 'Husband is right'?"

"Shouldn't it be?"

Gong Yueming grabbed Su Qiao's chin: "I give you everything you have! I rescued you from the hopeless world, built you into an international superstar step by step, gave you the identity of a wife, and gave you the status of a wife. you……"

"So what! When you gave me these, did you ask me if I wanted them?"

Su Qiao turned her head and said, "Force me to accept, force me to own, turn around and accuse me, saying that I am not satisfied... You can't even do the basic respect of human relations, what right do you have to criticize me!"

"At least I gave you the day most women want."

"But most of that doesn't include me! Please don't think that because most of them like it, I like it too!"

Su Qiao continued to contradict Gong Yueming.

"What I want is to live with equality and respect, not as someone's accessory or even a gift!"

"Before you want dignity, you must first have enough capital."

Gong Yueming put more pressure on Su Qiao again, Su Qiao smiled and put her hand on the man's collar.

"Are you going to give in?"

Gong Yueming spoke with sarcasm.

Su Qiao didn't speak, her finger landed on the collar, and slowly slid down, and when she was about to slip to the pants chain, she suddenly bumped her knee!

The flame was directly stiffened by the sudden impact, and the man looked at Su Qiao angrily.

The woman smiled and said, "Does it feel good? I can step on you with high heels next time!"

"You—you're not afraid of..."

"You can continue to use it after being hit just now, you are also very good!"

Su Qiao said with a smile, with a knife in her smile.

Gong Yueming said: "Don't forget that there is another thing in the world called props!"


Su Qiao choked.

Seeing that she was finally deflated, Gong Yueming couldn't help secretly feeling happy.

But the next moment-

"Sorry, Long Nan is also a master!"

The woman spoke slowly, and carried the man who was successfully attacked by Long Nan into her arms, and put him on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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