I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 442 The Body Is Attracted

Chapter 442 The Body Is Attracted

The events of the Cannes Film Festival are one after another. Although Mo Qiaoqiao is not well-known yet, because of her pure and beautiful face, she once appeared on the red carpet with He Zai and others. The hospitable and beautiful French people are naturally impressed by her. The assistant followed, and the gentleman would offer roses when walking on the road. This kind of compliment that had nothing to do with status made Su Qiao feel a little better.

Walking to the square, Su Qiao sent Long Nan to sell ice cream for her, and sat by the fountain by herself.

A flock of pigeons came pacing and cooing.

Su Qiao raised her head and looked at the men and women leaning together in the square, kissing romantically, or cuddling sweetly. She felt more and more that the French are indeed amazingly talented in romance. While being moved, she also felt uncomfortable in her heart. It's more intense.

Long Nan bought ice cream, sat beside her, and said, "Miss, is there something on your mind?"

"Well, very serious."

Su Qiao licked the ice cream, her eyes wandering.

"Can you tell me?" Long Nan asked.

Su Qiao froze for a moment, then said, "You know..."

"I know," Long Nan said, "Actually, I know what you're thinking even if you don't tell me! You're thinking about Gong Yueming's feelings for you."

Su Qiao was stunned.

"Am I usually that obvious?" she said, "I think I understand his attitude very well."

"Yeah, I clearly don't like it, but I'm attracted to it uncontrollably."

Long Nan licked his own ice cream and said, "You are always angry with him, hating his savagery and ignoring women, but you have a good impression of him. He brings happiness to your body, and he treats all your arrogance The viciousness is all because he is possessive of you."

"Yes, he is possessive of me, but he is very proud and unwilling to admit that his feelings for me are... so our relationship always stays the same, and sometimes even goes backwards."

"But you like him, just like he likes you," Long Nan said, "Love is not only the attraction in the spiritual realm, but the attraction between the body and the body is also unavoidable. Between you and him, there is a physical and spiritual relationship." Double attraction, that's why your relationship is so complicated, likes and dislikes are constantly intertwined, you think you don't like it, but you actually like it, you think it's desire, but in fact it's—"

"Stop talking! Me and him have always been..."

Su Qiao couldn't continue.

Long Nan's words hit her sore spot, exposing the most private part she didn't want to admit.

Her body was indeed attracted to him, madly infatuated with that man.

If it was her previous life, she might still be able to say that she didn't have any sexual obsessions caused by lust, but now she is a second life...

Even when he had the sweetest relationship with Gongzi Yu, he never tasted such hearty happiness!

Their minds had never met, but their bodies could easily, and burst into flames that frightened her.

"Have you heard of the Abe Sada incident? In fact, they don't love each other very much. Neither of them is the only partner of the other in this life. They even have no relationship foundation, but they...their bodies seem to be able to overlap together... ..."

Long Nan started kicking.

Su Qiao understood what he meant.

"You want to say that although Gong Yueming and I can't reach harmony spiritually, our bodies are naturally attractive, so no matter how big our differences are, the gaps between us will be filled by the unevenness of our bodies?"

(End of this chapter)

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