I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 445 Can't escape my control

Chapter 445 Can't escape my control (3)

Mana was angry. Although she lost to Su Qiao in the love field, she grew up pampered and looked down on Long Nan, a small man with obvious Southeast Asian looks.

"You dare to touch me! I will let you have nightmares every day, and you will die without a place to die!"

"Wow, so crazy!"

Long Nan said exaggeratedly, grabbing Mana's shoulder with one hand.


Mana screamed, this black and thin little man was so strong, the hands on his shoulders were as hot, hot and painful as iron hoops.

"Now, immediately apologize to my boss! Otherwise, I will unload you!"

When he said this, Long Nan smiled cutely.

But Mana felt only fear, unspoken fear.

This man smelled of hell's sulfur and the stench of corpses, these were the smells she was most afraid of.

"Who the hell are you!" she said, "How can a person have such a smell!"

"Ah, you can smell me!"

Long Nan smiled and began to introduce himself: "My name is Long Nan, the dragon of the sky, and the Nan of Nanmu. I have a nickname in the industry called Executioner. Of course, I don't always kill people, and occasionally I also take on some jobs as bodyguards." , After all, everyone needs to take a vacation, doesn’t it?”

"Long Nan? Executioner?"

Mana had never heard of the name.

On the other hand, Johnson showed a terrified expression. At this moment, he forgot that the other party broke his fingers, and he also forgot that he was Mana's bodyguard. ! I really didn't mean to harm you! I...I..."


The boy let out a low growl, and Johnson hurried away.

Seeing that Johnson was so afraid of Long Nan, Mana was completely disillusioned. She looked at Su Qiao full of hatred and said, "Bitch! Do you dare to kill in public!"

Few French people understand Chinese, but they can understand that there is a conflict between these two women and one man.The lovers left the square cautiously, and someone secretly called the police.

Su Qiao can understand French, and when she found out that someone called the police, she said to Long Nan: "Forget it, let's end today's affairs like this! Don't put yourself on the spur of the moment!"

"But this woman is too deceitful!"

Long Nan was very unhappy.

Su Qiao said: "But it's wrong to kill people in public places, why don't we find a place where no one is around?"

Mana had killed her, and she would never let her go.

"...could you take me?"

Mana also sensed the tension in the air and started calling for help in English.

"Help! Help me! Somebody wants to kill me!"

This time, more people gathered around.

Seeing that something was wrong, Su Qiao said to Long Nan, "Let's go!"

Long Nan was not afraid of the police, but he also knew that Su Qiao didn't want to get involved in the dispute, so he let go decisively, and explained in French to the people who rushed after hearing the news, repeatedly saying that it was just a misunderstanding.

The laziness of the French and their obsession with beautiful women are world-renowned. Seeing that Mana was fine, and seeing that Su Qiao's clothes were obviously foreign stars participating in the Cannes Film Festival, he naturally left with a few words of laughter.

Su Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Long Nan, "The matter of fans..."

"You don't eat powder, and neither do I." Long Nan said, "I don't have a nose that is more sensitive than a dog's, but my eyes are very sharp. When they gave me ice cream, I was unnaturally nervous. I'm not a fool. How could I give you the ice cream in question?"

"I see, thank you for saving me again."

(End of this chapter)

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