I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 446 Something Happened to the Mo Family

Chapter 446 Something Happened to the Mo Family (1)

Long Nan said: "I took your money, of course I want to save your life. But then again, what is the relationship between this woman and you, why do you hate you so much?"

Su Qiao said with a dry smile: "The person she likes believes that I am the reincarnation of his dead lover."

"So it's this kind of relationship, so it's no wonder!"

Long Nan obviously didn't believe in such absurd things as rebirth.

Su Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to be treated like a monster.

Long Nan said again: "But this kind of thing is so mysterious, even if you don't admit that you are the one she is looking for from the beginning to the end, in her eyes you are still the one who hinders her happiness! Because the key to the problem is not She believes it or not, but the person she loves believes it or not!"

"Yeah, that's why the whole thing is so difficult."

Su Qiao also wanted to know how to make Young Master Yu and Mana give up on her, but she somehow hoped that they would not change their infatuation. In this way, she could continue to make use of their nostalgia for the past to help her past self and Mana. Kid revenge!
"Actually, it's easy to change their minds. As long as they fall in love with each other, they won't—"

Long Nan took it for granted, and Su Qiao smiled wryly.

"If the matter between men and women can be explained clearly with just a few sentences, then there won't be so many love killings and martyrdom in the world."

"That's right! The one like yours can't make sense no matter how you say it!"

Long Nan agrees with Su Qiao.

Su Qiao then took the opportunity to ask Long Nan, "What kind of person is Mr. Long?"

She always felt that even if Long Jiuzhong was not Mo Qiaoqiao's father, he must be Mo Qiaoqiao's direct blood relative.

"What do you mean? You want to know about the dragon head?!"

Long Nan was very alert.

Su Qiao said: "Just curious, I think he is too kind to me, so nice that I worry that he has other plans."

"Don't worry, Long Chief has plans for you, so how could he send me to protect you!"

Long Nan changed the topic loudly.

Su Qiao remained silent.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that it was Mo Weiguo's number, Su Qiao suddenly felt in a bad mood, turned on the speakerphone, and said, "Is there something you can do with me, Uncle?"

"Can you give me some money! Also, can you introduce me to a lawyer! The kind that is very powerful! Qiaoqiao, you must help us this time! We...we..."

Mo Weiguo spoke with a rare humility.

Su Qiao couldn't help being surprised and asked, "What happened!"

Mo Weiguo on the other side of the phone sniffled and said, "Your cousin was injured by a group of hooligans on the way back from work! She is still lying in the hospital, and the doctor said that even if she survives, there will be sequelae... We want to sell the house Save her, but it is so easy to sell a house with tens of millions... The most hateful thing is the group of little bastards who killed thousands of knives! Because they are minors, they are so arrogant in the police station! Their parents That's right... I don't want money but my life... Nini...my daughter..."

Su Qiao couldn't take it anymore.

"How much does it cost," she said, "I'll call you 20 first!"

"thanks, thanks!"

Mo Weiguo broke down in tears.

Su Qiao sighed, and said, "Thank you for what you say, and you are my relatives after all! Leave my cousin's medical expenses to me for the time being, little bastard... I don't know any lawyers, I'm afraid I can't help you." I'm going to uncle..."

"You lending us money is the greatest help!"

Mo Weiguo cried until his voice became hoarse.

Zhang Caiying beside the microphone also kept crying.

(End of this chapter)

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