I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 448 A Duplicity Man

Chapter 448 A Duplicity Man (1)

"At least the image of the Gong family cannot be damaged because of you!"

Gong Yueming's voice was harsh.

Su Qiao was unmoved, and said, "I keep talking about the image of the Gong family! What did the Gong family do to me, and I need to sacrifice the interests of my relatives to protect it! Did I refuse to admit my arrogance, or was it scolded and beaten by the old lady?" It's an honor! Or maybe it's the arbitrariness to blame Qinghong on me after Gong Xinjie's accident! The Gong family has an image, but I don't have one!"

"They—they have their excesses, but you can't just because they're being rude to you—"

"I will handle this matter myself! If you are really worried about the Gong family, cover Gong Xinjie well and don't let her get involved!"

Su Qiao has made up her mind. She wants to expose this matter to the media, so that the whole society will know how disgusting the bear kids and bear parents are!

If the Gong family is affected by this, she will only feel happier!
Gong Yueming saw that she was determined to make things worse, so he sneered: "When you regret it, don't cry to me!"

Su Qiao said: "Don't worry, if things get out of hand, I will cry to Young Master Yu! He treats me tens of millions of times better than you treat me!"

"You—I won't allow it!"

Gong Yueming was angry again when he heard the words "Gongzi Yu" from his woman's mouth.

Su Qiao smiled and pointed the middle finger to him, and said, "What qualifications do you have to not allow it? The relationship between you and me has long existed in name only! If it wasn't because the military marriage is not easy to divorce, we should have already—"

A slap rolled over, and Su Qiao stared at Gong Yueming with wide eyes: "You actually hit me! Didn't you say that you never hit women!"

"I don't hit women, but I hit sluts!"

Gong Yueming grabbed Su Qiao's shoulder and forced her to look into his eyes: "You betrayed me again and again, and made me ashamed! How could I not hit you!"

"Shame...shame! If you and Young Master Yu hadn't reached a private agreement, how dare he harass me in public again and again! Who shames who! It's you! It's you!"

Su Qiao's voice was filled with weeping grief and indignation.

Gong Yueming raised his hand again to hit her, but when he saw her tearful eyes, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"...Forget it! I'll just settle this matter with you for the time being! But next time——next time let me know that you guys have a relationship, don't blame me——"

"What's the blame? Do you really think I don't know the identity of Young Master Yu! He is sincere to me, as long as I give him a response, he will definitely give me enough protection!"

Su Qiao turned around and looked at Ximen: "Do as I say! I will destroy the little bastards who hurt Monini and the bear parents who indulged them! Everyone will get what they deserve!"

"Even if you will get involved?"

Ximen looked at Gong Yueming and Su Qiao worriedly.

Su Qiao said: "Yes, even I am involved! But if I am involved, then the Gong family will also be involved 100%!"

When she said this, she looked at Gong Yueming with a chilly smile on her face.

Ximen asked Gong Yueming again: "Boss, are you sure you want to let her mess around like this?"

Gong Yueming said: "If you think that I am still the boss, you are not allowed to do anything! But if you treat this woman as the boss, then - do whatever she wants you to do! Don't ask me! Gold broker !"

(End of this chapter)

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