Chapter 449

The Cannes Film Festival is still going on, but domestic public opinion has gone crazy.

The story of the bear kid beating someone up and hospitalized has swept the media.The victim was lying unconscious in the hospital, and the family members of the victim cried bitterly in front of the camera, but the family members of the perpetrator either said, "Everyone else is fine, but your daughter is fine, why don't you reflect on yourself", or "You put him in Come on, I don’t want this son long ago!”, the perpetrator also lashed out at the camera, expressing that the victim’s family has money and they don’t need to pay for it.

The perpetrators are not afraid of boiling water while the dead pigs are dead, and the victims are crying and screaming in pain. The extreme contrast makes the public angry. Some people even expressed on the Internet that they would pack up these little beasts and throw them into the trench. Sending them to juvenile education centers is also a waste of citizen tax payment.

Su Qiao also fanned the flames at this moment.

Facing the reporter, she wiped her tears and said: "My sister's misfortune made me feel sad and worried. I haven't fallen asleep for several days! I have already contacted the hospital, hoping that they can treat my sister regardless of the cost. Will be responsible! But physical damage can be repaired with money, mental damage... I... I can't forgive them... Juvenile crimes should also be severely punished! They can't be tolerated just because they are children!"

"Then will you return to China early because of this incident?" The reporter asked, "What about your work?"

"You can have another job, but only one family!"

"But I hear you are not on good terms with your uncle's family—"

"If the relationship is not good, why would I lend them money to buy tens of millions of houses?" Su Qiao asked the reporter, "Living under the same roof, it is normal to quarrel because of some small frictions in life. Things. You can't arbitrarily think that we have a bad relationship just because we have quarreled!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Mo."

The reporter apologized to Su Qiao.

Su Qiao readily accepted and said, "I am a public figure, and everything I say and do is under the scrutiny of the media, but they are just ordinary people. In order to protect them, I must keep a certain distance from them. But what happened now— —Even if I can stay in Cannes with the love of my work, my heart will fly back to China and them... Sorry, I need tissues!"

The assistant quickly delivered tissues.

Su Qiao was wiping her tears, and the appearance of she was about to cry made the reporters all moved. People who watched the live broadcast also gave her praise and encouragement, expressing that they would never tolerate the little beasts!

Su Qiao then answered some work-related questions, and the high level she showed during the Q&A made even the seniors in the industry admire her.

Seeing that the interview was about to end, an Asian reporter in a suit and leather shoes suddenly appeared and asked Su Qiao a series of questions in English.Su Qiao's English is pretty good, but she couldn't understand what this guy said, not even the translator beside her, and she looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing their embarrassment, the reporter showed a smug smile.

Su Qiao realized that he did it on purpose, took the microphone and said, "Are you from country A?"

The reporter froze for a moment.

Su Qiao said very seriously: "If you are from country A, you should ask me questions in Chinese. This is our mother tongue!"

Fierce applause erupted from the crowd, no matter if it was an Asian reporter or a European reporter, anyone who could understand this sentence gave her a thumbs up!
The reporter, who was humiliated by his peers, had no choice but to ask the question again in Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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