Chapter 459 Crocodile
Pan Mengmeng was suddenly held down, and she seemed to go crazy, talking nonsense, foaming at the mouth, her limbs convulsed and twitching.

"Is this epilepsy or - have you taken drugs?"

Su Qiao felt that something was wrong, so she quickly asked Long Nan to knock him out, tie him up, and throw him into the trunk.

The others saw that the matter was over, so they stopped watching the show, took a look at each and then drove back.

Su Qiao also drove back to her residence.

In the garage, she asked Long Nan to get Pan Mengmeng out of the trunk, and kicked her foamy face: "Are you still alive?"

Pan Mengmeng opened her eyes, the whites of her eyes were loose, like a fool, she kept smirking at Su Qiao.

Su Qiao realized that the situation was not good, so she asked Long Nan to help her check, and at the same time called Ximen and Cheng Luo, asking them to contact her with a reliable mental hospital.

After the phone call, Long Nan also checked Pan Mengmeng, and told Su Qiao solemnly: "Someone injected her with 'crocodile'."

"Alligator? What's an alligator?"

Su Qiao was at a loss.

Long Nan said: "The crocodile is a low-quality stimulant that can make people very excited, but the side effects are also terrible. It will destroy the brain within a few times, and the body will fester. The festered surface is as yellow as the skin of a crocodile. Turned green and hardened in patches."

He lifted up Pan Mengmeng's clothes, revealing his festered and pus-filled arm. Su Qiao saw that the blood on the festered surface was actually yellow-green, and the bones were exposed, and she couldn't help feeling sick.

"How could someone use this kind of thing, it's too...too..."

Long Nan said: "This thing is generally popular in Eastern Europe. It's all poor young people who have nothing to fear. Basically, organizations with a little humanity will not synthesize and sell crocodiles. I also went there years ago. It was only when I was doing business in Eastern Europe that I realized that it was already rampant there."

"Then can she be saved?"

Long Nan said: "Looking at the extent of her ulceration, she has been smoking for a long time. Even if she is sent to a professional drug rehabilitation institution, she can't help her. What's more, her financial situation can't afford the treatment fee."


Su Qiao thought for a while, and decided to temporarily advance money to treat Pan Mengmeng.She wanted to know who lent Pan Mengmeng the car to encourage her to go to Wang Jiaquan's audition to hurt herself!


Cheng Luo arrived quickly and gasped when she saw Pan Mengmeng's situation!
"The crocodile has actually flowed into the country! I have to report this to the higher authorities immediately!"

Su Qiao said: "Don't be in a hurry to go back and make a report, first help me send the person to the hospital, okay?"

Only then did Cheng Luo remember the purpose of her trip, and together with Long Nan, they carried Pan Mengmeng into the car and took her to the hospital. Su Qiao also went to the hospital in Ximen's car.


Pan Mengmeng's condition was very bad. After a professional drug rehabilitation doctor gave her many alternative injections, she finally regained consciousness.

Through the surveillance glass wall, Su Qiao saw that she had woken up and was about to ask her questions through the microphone. Gu Hai, who was called by Cheng Luo half an hour ago, had rushed into the ward first, and signaled Su Qiao not to speak for now.

So Su Qiao honestly moved a stool and sat down, listening to Gu Hai's words to Pan Mengmeng.

On the other side of the glass wall—

"You're awake," Gu Hai said with a smile, "Do you know that you almost died?"

Pan Mengmeng was obviously surprised and asked, "Who are you? Where am I? I..."

"Hello Miss Pan, my name is Gu Hai, and I'm your counselor. Come on, open your mouth and let me check it out! Ah—"

(End of this chapter)

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