I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 460 A Showdown With Ou Qianjiao

Chapter 460 A Showdown With Ou Qianjiao (1)

Gu Hai was very good at bluffing people, and it didn't take long for Pan Mengmeng to be tricked by him to the point where he tricked her out of everything.

Su Qiao sat in front of the glass wall and listened to Pan Mengmeng talk about how she fell in love with crocodiles after being fired by Ou Shi, and how she heard from the conversation between Ou Qianjiao and Jiang Meihua that Mo Qiaoqiao was going to join the Wang family when she was cleaning the toilet in the restaurant. The full audition, and how to borrow a car and 1000 yuan from Ou Qianjiao...

A series of nausea made Su Qiao clench her fists angrily: Ou Qianjiao, I'll take the initiative to let you go, and keep the fact that you may not be the daughter of the Ou family stuffed in my stomach!You want my life again and again!
Thinking of this, she couldn't bear it anymore!

She wanted to beat Ou Qianjiao back to her original form and destroy her reputation!
On the other side of the glass wall, Gu Hai was still teasing Pan Mengmeng, but Su Qiao couldn't sit still.

She walked out of the monitoring room quickly, and said to Cheng Luo and Ximen: "Sure enough, good people can't do it!"

"What? Do you know who hurt you again this time?"

Simon's expression was a little playful.

Su Qiao said, "Looking at you, maybe you've always known—"

"The enmity between Pan Mengmeng and you would not be known to the people inside the Ou Clan. The only one who hates you in the Ou Clan is the only one who hates you so much that you want to die immediately and use such brutal methods!"

"Why don't you guess Ou Ying?" Su Qiao asked Ximen back, "Ou Ying also wishes for my death."

Simon said: "Ouying doesn't do things so rough and simple. He wants to harm you, how could he leave such a big handle?"

Su Qiao nodded in agreement.

Cheng Luo said: "Pan Mengmeng, leave it to us for the time being! Even if it's just to find out the source of the crocodile, we will be responsible to the end."

"Thank you."

Su Qiao was about to leave the hospital, Cheng Luo gave her a voice: "This is the recording of Pan Mengmeng's confession, it will come in handy when we have a showdown with Ou Qianjiao!"

"How do you know that I plan to have a showdown with Ou Qianjiao?" Su Qiao asked, although she did have this idea.

Cheng Luo said, "Because I know that you don't like overnight feuds."

Su Qiao smiled and said, "You're wrong. I just don't like this kind of garbage and keep it for the New Year!"


After leaving the hospital, Su Qiao called Ou Qianjiao directly and asked her to meet at Huaishan Bar at night.

Ou Qianjiao agreed.

Su Qiao put down her phone and said to Ximen, "I'm sure Ou Qianjiao is not involved in Gong Xinjie's affairs, and she did not provide the drug to the murderer."

"It's obvious," Ximen said, "Ou Qianjiao doesn't know about the dual relationship between you and Gong Xinjie, and she doesn't dare to do it so blatantly."

"But I used to doubt her." Su Qiao said, "When I heard Pan Mengmeng say that she was instigated by Ou Qianjiao to kill me, I used to suspect that she played some role in this matter. The most important thing It's—"

I don't want to admit that my sister in the previous life was a movie king who was merciless in harming others and could cry with the victim afterwards!

Su Qiao felt very uncomfortable, holding her breath badly.

Simon said: "After all, you still trust Susie more than anyone else, even if you have already started to doubt."

"But you already believe it, you just don't want to admit it."

Ximen said grimly, and parked the car in the alley next to Huaishan Bar.

Su Xi got out of the car and walked through this alley that made Gong Xinjie experience a nightmare.

Every sound of the high heels is like the drumbeat of the battlefield, and Su Qiao's heart beats faster.

(End of this chapter)

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