Chapter 466 Untidy

"Then you don't have to be so tender that the handcuffs will bleed after a long time!"

Gong Yueming's face was very angry, but in fact he was secretly refreshed.

Su Qiao said: "Blowing bombs is the most popular skin standard nowadays. I spent a lot of money to guarantee it... Actually, you like this kind of skin too, don't you?"

She looked at Gong Yueming with seductive eyes, like a fragrant flower or a newborn lamb, which made the man uncontrollable.

"Little fairy, you are in a bad position!"

Gong Yueming muttered and said, wanting to teach this woman who is just looking for trouble a lesson.

Su Qiao said with a smile: "If you can clean me up, I will really convince you!"


When she woke up, Su Qiao didn't see Gong Yueming.

She raised her head and saw Long Nan sitting on the window sill with an innocent face, playing with her cell phone solemnly.


Long Nan turned around and said to Su Qiao, "Ask Gong Yueming? He left half an hour ago."

Su Qiao's head exploded with a buzzing sound, and she said, "Then when did you come last night?"

"It's about twelve o'clock!"

Long Nan locked the phone screen, put it aside, grabbed the apple at hand, and said while gnawing: "I was going to save you, after all, you shouted so loudly. But after finding out that you really enjoyed it, I decided to be honest. Be a theatergoer. Well, I ate three apples by the time you were over."

"...Why do you specifically state that you ate three apples?"

Su Qiao didn't understand Long Nan's logic.

Long Nan jumped off the window sill and explained slowly: "I like to carve apples before eating. Usually it takes an hour to eat an apple, so unless I'm sure the person I want to protect is safe and I don't need to worry about it, I won't return it during working hours." eat apples."

"You mean—"

Su Qiao's face was red to the ears.

Long Nan patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be shy! To find such a handsome man with top-notch stamina and explosive power, most people would not be envious! According to my experience, he has the top three physique!"

"...What kind of description do you call that! Also, how old are you, and your tone of voice sounds like you have read a thousand sails!"

Su Qiao rolled her eyes.

Long Nan said with a smile: "You don't think I'm only 15 years old! I'm sorry, but I'm born with a baby face, and I'm short of nutrition. I'm actually 25 years old this year! Someone told me that if I wear women's clothes and a wig If so, maybe some people will think I'm loli!"

"That's only 25 years old! How much experience can you have! You're still one of the top three! Could it be that you...have engaged in wheel battles?"

Su Qiao teased Long Nan.

Long Nan said: "I am very self-conscious, but my friends have done it before, and I am responsible for timing and technical guidance for them."

The candid speech made Su Qiao silent.

Long Nan also said: "The life of a killer is very boring, so when you are lonely, it is inevitable that you will fight with each other to relieve the pressure. After all, who knows how to make a living by licking blood, you will be stabbed to death by others? Normally, Our friends help each other to solve it, but without love, love will make people weak, and then die unexpectedly."

"In the movie—"

"The inside of the movie is inside the movie, and in reality we are the mice in the cracks."

Long Nan threw out the core and said, "The hacker in the movie is still an omnipotent cool guy. In reality, nine out of ten are nerds with severe autism tendencies. They may not be fat and stupid, but they must have social difficulties. "

"You ruined my fantasy about hacking."

(End of this chapter)

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