I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 467 Admitting Identity

Chapter 467 Admitting Identity (1)

Seeing the frustration on Su Qiao's face, Long Nan took the initiative to grab her neck and said, "Don't feel bad, in fact, hackers also have handsome men and beautiful women, just like the killer industry, and I have good looks and physical fitness. An almost flawless man!"

"But a pure zero."

Su Qiao brushed off his arm.

Long Nan smiled and said, "Isn't number zero bad? Only number zero can stay by your side, and you won't do things that violate professional ethics just because of sexual needs."

Su Qiao was completely speechless.

Long Nan took out the white pouch and said, "What do you want to do when you break the pill?"

Su Qiao was shocked when she heard this, "How do you know it's a pill! No, how did you get it—"

"Gong Yueming is a very smart man, but he always overturns on things related to you." Long Nan said proudly, "In fact, as long as he calms down and smells it, he will find that it is a broken medicine. .”

"Yeah, he did get a little out of control last night."

Su Qiao also felt that Gong Yueming's emotions were much more volatile than when they first met.

"Because he cares about you," Long Nan said, "He is a standard science and engineering man, so rational that he is almost emotionless. This kind of man will only become irritable and aggressive when he cares about women."

"He cares about me? Are you kidding me!"

Su Qiao sneered, and smoothed her hair: "He only cares about the part of me that belongs to Su Qiao!"

"But you are Su Qiao, aren't you?"

Long Nan's words made Su Qiao suddenly silent, and then asked in a low voice: "How do you know—"

"The theory of reincarnation and rebirth has always been circulated." Long Nan said, "but most people would rather believe it than believe it. But I—in short, although I know you are Su Qiao, I still believe it." I'll treat you as Mo Qiaoqiao."


Su Qiao couldn't understand anymore.

Long Nan said: "Because I have someone who wants to be resurrected, but that person obviously cannot be resurrected like you."

Su Qiao fell silent.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said.


After taking a bath, Su Qiao changed her clothes, and called Su Xi to meet at the coffee shop where Su Qiao worked in her previous life.

Susie didn't think much, and easily agreed.

Su Qiao talked to Gu Hai about Pan Mengmeng and the misfortune that happened to Monini. After learning that the army had a famous plastic surgeon, Su Qiao decided to settle the grudge with Su Qian and transfer Monini to the hospital. Hospitals owned by the military are receiving further information.

After everything was settled, Su Qiao brought Long Nan to the coffee shop.

Outside the coffee shop, the message board was still filled with words of missing Su Qiao. Su Qian stood in front of the message board filled with flowers, with a subtle expression.

Su Qiao walked up behind her and said, "Why don't you go in? Wait for me, or—"

"Wait for you, and by the way miss her who can never come back."

Su Qian took off her sunglasses and said to Su Qiao, "Why did you ask me out, are you finally ready to admit your identity?"

"I only have one identity, Gong Yueming's wife, Mo Qiaoqiao."

Su Qiao took out a small packet of fragment medicine: "Do you know this thing?"

Susie smiled and said, "I know, in our business, we often need to use this thing. Why, do you have an opinion on this thing?"

"I have no comment, but I want to know if you have given this kind of thing to someone other than the company's employees in the past half month."

Su Xi froze for a moment, and then said: "You suspect that I joined forces with others to frame Gong Xinjie! I...why would I harm her! Is there any benefit in harming her!"

(End of this chapter)

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