I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 468 Admitting Identity

Chapter 468 Admitting Identity (2)

"Yeah, what good is it for you to harm her! I just couldn't figure this out all the time, so I never suspected you."

Su Qiao laughed and opened a bag of sugar, wrapped it in white powder, poured it into the coffee, stirred it a few times, and pushed it in front of Susie.

Susie was very flustered: "What do you mean? What's in the cup!"

"Mix your coffee for you! Don't worry, the white powder added is creamer, not pills. I won't deal with you like you did with Gong Xinjie."

"You keep saying that I harmed Gong Xinjie. Is there any evidence? Is there a motive?"

Susie poured the coffee in the cup directly into the trash can, even if Su Qiao promised that there was no pill in the cup, she dared not drink it.

Su Qiao said: "Of course there is evidence, but I won't tell you. As for the motive - you used the old lady's relationship to get in touch with the Gong family, but Gong Xinjie and other palace family members don't like you. You need to do something to get them to accept you and also get them punished for their pride!"

When she said these words, Su Qiao's heart was heavy.

Outsiders think that Su Qian is a low-key and pragmatic person, who is willing to live in the shadow of her glamorous sister. It was not until Su Qiao disappeared mysteriously that she began to shine. Only Su Qiao knew how strong Su Qian's self-esteem was. How ruthless can one's own interests be!

"When you were in the fifth grade of primary school, the school selected students to participate in district sports competitions. During the internal selection, you ran very well and fast, faster than the senior girls in the sixth grade. But your family didn't have the money to buy you Adidas sportswear , so you cry and say I’m not going to compete, I don’t want to be told by my opponents that I’m too poor to wear Adidas.”

Speaking of this past event, Su Qiao also shed tears: "On the day of the sports competition, you and other students went to cheer for the senior sister. When you came back, you told me that the senior sister who replaced you in the competition is coming soon. At the finish line, I fell and broke my knee. I still remember the look on your face when you told me about it, and you smiled happily, because she took your place but didn’t get the limelight.”

"Didn't you refuse to admit that you are Su Qiao! Why are you saying this all of a sudden!"

Su Qian looked straight at Su Qiao: "Could it be that you finally realized that no matter how hard you try, you can't get the approval of the Gong family, and you will be thrown off by Gong Yueming sooner or later only because of your looks! Are you going to pick up the big tree of Your Highness Yu again? "

"No, it just occurred to me that you have always been a selfish person. It was because I didn't see you clearly, and because you chose the latter between me and Gongzi Yu, I was sad for a long time. The most suitable person to play Pandora is do not you?"

When saying these words, Su Qiao always looked at Su Xi with a smile.

Su Qian was very uncomfortable when she looked at her, and said: "So what! People don't kill themselves! Is it wrong to want to live a good life and be respected!"

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with it. But you shouldn't be sacrificing others to achieve your goals over and over again."

"You are not the same! In the past, you used Gongzi Yu to achieve success, but now you use Gong Yueming to achieve success. Both you and I are women who will do whatever it takes to achieve our goals. The only difference is that you can always dress yourself up nicely." Poor victim, and I... honestly, I play malicious roles time and time again!"

Su Qiao confessed, and Su Qian simply spoke up, her well-maintained face was full of hatred for Su Qiao.

(End of this chapter)

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