I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 473 I want to live

Chapter 473 I want to live (3)

Gong Yueming's tone was displeased, obviously dissatisfied with the fact that the woman dared to doubt her family.

But Long Jiuzhong is a typical defensive demeanor, he knows that the Gong family is not something he can provoke, but he still shows obvious displeasure, and——

"At least for now, the ones who are most likely to kill me can only be the Gong family."

Su Qiao laughed at herself.

Long Jiuzhong said, "Is it because of Gong Xinjie's matter?"

Su Qiao said, "I didn't do that."

"I know." Gong Yueming said.

"But you don't believe it," Su Qiao said, "not only you don't believe it, but the Gong family don't believe it even more. Everyone thinks I did it, including you."

"You don't believe her either?"

Long Jiu's tone became heavier.

Gong Yueming said: "Am I obligated to trust her?"

Long Jiuzhong sneered, and said: "No. The palace family is famous and powerful, she is just a small character in the entertainment circle, what qualifications do you have to believe. But please remember, Major General Gong, that even an insignificant person may Changing the course of history, like the Kennedy affair, like..."

"Are you threatening me?"

The corner of Gong Yueming's mouth twitched into a sneer.

Su Qiao said: "He just made a hypothesis. Crazy fans are the scariest thing in this world."

"I just saw him trying to do something to make people laugh."

Gong Yueming looked at the scene and said, "Anyway, this matter ends here, and I will find another place for you to live in."

"No, I don't only have one suite under my name."

Su Qiao's aggressive attitude surprised Gong Yueming.

"The wings are hard? Are you planning to fly solo?"

"So you really think of me as a caged bird."

Su Qiao said coldly, "But I am not a bird, and you are not the owner of the cage. So your control is doomed to be overthrown."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Gong Yueming said three numbers in succession.

Su Qiao said again: "I won't end this matter like this. Those who want to kill me will be rewarded tenfold! I will continue to investigate the matter of Gong Xinjie, and I will let those who framed me be punished." I regret my evil thoughts for the rest of my life!"

"Very good! I want to see how far you can go!"

Gong Yueming was already out of breath.

Su Qiao then pointed to the door and said, "The door is open, if you are unhappy, just leave! Without you, I can still succeed!"


Gong Yueming finally couldn't hold it anymore, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said, "Don't think I'm reluctant to withdraw your capital flow!"

Su Qiao said calmly: "Then you can take it away! I don't want to continue to be your canary either."

Gong Yueming was so angry that he turned around and left.

Long Jiuzhong said: "Why is your attitude so strong, are you not afraid that he will get angry and completely fall out with you?"

"What's the difference between our current relationship and a complete fallout?"

Su Qiao laughed at herself.

"He has a soft mouth, so I have been unable to leave him. But from now on, I will gradually cut off the money entanglement with him, and gradually become a normal person who is no longer controlled by him. This time- —It should have been done by the Song family, just like the accident on the highway last time."

"Song Family?"

There was a clear killing intent in Long Jiuzhong's eyes.

Su Qiao continued: "From a personal point of view, the matter between Song Ronger and Gong Xinjie is closely related. From a family point of view, the Gong family and the Song family have a marriage plan, if it wasn't for my sudden appearance."

"But they shouldn't treat you like a pawn."

Long Jiuzhong said, "What happened just now didn't scare you, did it?"

Su Qiao stretched her waist and said, "I'm so energetic, how can I look like a frightened person?"

(End of this chapter)

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