I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 474 The manager is a gangster

Chapter 474 The manager is a gangster
"It's fine as long as you're fine, I'm most afraid that you pretend to be healthy even though you're not feeling well."

Long Jiuzhong showed a feeling of licking children.

Su Qiao said: "I won't wrong myself. Of course, I still feel a little bad when I kill people."

"It won't happen again, I swear."

Long Jiuzhong lowered his head and said to Su Qiao.

Su Qiao said, "I believe it."

His embrace makes her stable, this is the warmth connected with her blood that she feels after fully merging with Mo Qiaoqiao.

Long Jiuzhong said some comforting words to Su Qiao, and then sent his cronies to take her to her new residence.

In the empty room, Long Jiuzhong took out his mobile phone and dialed a taboo number.


The attack at night quickly reached Simon's ears. He called to express his concern and inquire about the current situation.

Su Qiao held the phone and said, "It's okay, I'm alive and well."

"Is the audition okay?" Ximen asked back, "If you are not sure, I will help you reschedule the appointment."

Su Qiao shook her head and said, "It's hard to be recognized by the world, how can I let go suddenly. If I want to succeed, no one can stop me from succeeding."

"But now someone is shooting your head with a gun to kill you! Aren't you afraid of that?"

"Don't be afraid, no one can stop me, including God."

Su Qiao's cold voice reached Simon's ears through the microphone, and he suddenly had a subtle association.

When she was Su Qiao, she was a beautiful butterfly, gorgeous and poisonous but could not escape the fate of death.But now, she is Mo Qiaoqiao. After a rebirth from Nirvana, she evolved from a butterfly to a phoenix, more beautiful and more gorgeous, and more determined to destroy.

"I don't think even God wants to be your enemy."

Talking silently, Ximen hung up the phone.

News of the shooting would be hitting the media tomorrow, and he'd have a lot to deal with.


In the morning, Su Qiao baked two slices of bread for herself, and was drinking milk while scrolling through Weibo, when she suddenly saw a push message: A mysterious shooting occurred in the Jinke Building, and some witnesses said they saw residents evacuate in an emergency.

Su Qiao clicked on the news and found that there was not a single word in the report that was reliable except that the shooting was true.The people who reported it didn't even know which floor the shooting happened on, and how many celebrities lived in the entire Jinke Building. "Didn't you really write gangster novels, landlord?" exclaimed.

Su Qiao put down the phone and said, "However, the reality is more exaggerated than what he wrote, although there is not such a big scene."

Long Nan also saw the report, and said with a smile: "But he does write well, as a reporter who relies entirely on his imagination."

"What do you mean? Do you know him?"

Su Qiao looked at Long Nan.

Long Nan said: "This guy is from Ximen, and Ximen likes this method of half-truth and half-truth the most."

"The people from Ximen? I did call Ximen yesterday...but it's necessary for him..."

Su Qiao fell into deep thought.

Long Nan said: "Ximen has more tricks than you can imagine. Fortunately, this person is not a gangster, otherwise we might have nothing to eat."

"So exaggerated?"

Su Qiao looked at Long Nan.

Long Nan said: "He is a guy who does everything. Sometimes he works for the government, sometimes for companies, and sometimes for mediation organizations. Of course, externally, he is a standard broker."

"Sounds quite legendary."

(End of this chapter)

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