I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 484 Grab the Global Endorsement

Chapter 484 Grab the Global Endorsement (3)

"Director Wang!"

Lan Xi'er looked at Wang Jiaquan timidly. She wanted to accept this endorsement and want to show off, so she agreed to the special envoy's request to be the body substitute of Queen Su.But she didn't expect that this decision of hers could completely offend director Wang Jiaquan.

This made her very scared, and she even wanted to kneel down immediately and beg Wang Jiaquan to forgive her for being confused for a while.

Wang Jiaquan didn't look at Lan Xi'er at all, his attention was all on the special envoy.

He said: "Blue Charm and Green Poison are two kinds of perfumes. Their positioning is completely different, and the temperament required by their advertisements is also completely different. Taking a step back, 20-year-old Su Qiao meets my requirements, and I am indeed in With the assistance of your technology, the shooting of this commercial is completed, so here comes the question! When the official release event is held, who do you want me to bring with me!"

"Director Wang..."

The special envoy was completely overwhelmed by Wang Jiaquan and dared not talk nonsense.

Wang Jiaquan continued to speak.

"With the development of technology today, many brands have begun to use virtual characters in their advertisements and endorsements, but perfume is different. Perfume is the art of smell. Virtual characters can shoot the advertisements I want, but she can't give me what I want. smell!"


"So I still insist on letting Mo Qiaoqiao be the protagonist of my advertisement and the endorsement of your perfume!"

Wang Jiaquan's attitude is simply stubborn.

The special envoy looked at Lan Xier and Mo Qiaoqiao who was opposite with a wry smile, and said, "Miss Mo, are you really capable of acting as the endorsement of an international brand after you have only been in the industry for a year?"

Su Qiao said: "No one is born, I believe that talent plus nurture."

"Very confident."

The envoy's expression was subtle.

Su Qiao continued: "The video of Su Qiao's girlhood you released just now is indeed perfect, but there are still a few details that are wrong."

She walked up to the technician and said, "Please, please play it again."

The technician looked at the envoy.

The special envoy wanted to know what the opinion of this woman who Wang Jiaquan would not hesitate to challenge and defend was, so he said to the staff: "Do as she says!"

The lights in the meeting room dimmed again, and 20-year-old Su Qiao appeared in everyone's sight.

This is a masterpiece, a perfect, impeccable masterpiece.

But Su Qiao walked up to the technological masterpiece, pointed to her face and body and said, "This is not 20-year-old Su Qiao, this is just a so-called Su Qiao made of the face of 27-year-old Su Qiao. The real 20-year-old Su Qiao, who is [-] years old, her face is not unnaturally smooth, her nose has no freckles, her apple muscles are plump but not shimmering, her mouth is slightly bigger, and her figure is more curved than that of the double Lan Xier."

"You mean—even as a stand-in, Miss Lan is not suitable!"

The envoy's tone was tinged with anger.

Su Qiao said: "It's probably more suitable than me. After all, my figure is a bit too plump compared to Su Yinghou when she was 20 years old."

After all, Mo Yanran is a sexy goddess, and Mo Qiaoqiao, who inherited her lineage, has impressive measurements at the age of 20.Compared with the figure in the previous life, it is indeed more graceful and concave.

"I thought you would ask to be her image double."

The envoy's attitude was slightly ambiguous.

Su Qiao said: "I am me, not anyone's substitute."

Wang Jiaquan suddenly asked a question.

"Modern technology can reproduce Su Qiao's 20-year-old face, so...can you do some trimming on the actor's body?"

"Of course, waistline, bust, leg length... all can be trimmed, as long as you want, we can do it!"

Technicians are very confident in their profession.

(End of this chapter)

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