I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 485 Grab the Global Endorsement

Chapter 485 Grab the Global Endorsement (4)

Wang Jiaquan smiled and said, "Since that's the case, let Mo Qiaoqiao be the endorser! The 20-year-old Su Qiao will be played by her, but she will also play herself at the same time."

The envoy was stunned.

"Director Wang, what do you mean by this? Didn't you object to using digital technology to synthesize portraits to play roles? Why now—"

"I'm still opposed to using digital instead of real people. It's just that when I saw the image of her and Su Qiao standing together, I suddenly had a strange feeling. I want to shoot twins!"

Director Wang's smile carries a mystery that ordinary people dare not fathom.

"Green Poison and Lan Mei are both twins and reincarnations, just like 20-year-old Su Qiao and 20-year-old Mo Qiaoqiao are mirror projections of each other..."

"Since this is the case, why not let Lan Xier play Su Qiao? Her figure is closer to Su Qiao."

The special envoy is still trying to argue.

Wang Jiaquan said: "The figure data is very close? But what I pay attention to is only the temperament. Her temperament is too far away from my requirements."

"Synthesis, after synthesis, her face will not appear in the camera!"

The envoy made a last-ditch attempt to convince Wang Jiaquan.

Wang Jiaquan smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I have already made a decision. My commercial must be shot by Mo Qiaoqiao, and the 20-year-old Su Qiao in the commercial must also be played by her. If you object again, I will drop the pick and quit. !"

Hearing this, the special envoy hurriedly showed weakness and said, "Don't get excited, don't get excited. Letting Lan Xier play the role of the 20-year-old Su Qiao is just one of our plans, not that it must be done."

"That means it can be discussed?"

Ximen, who had been keeping a low profile since entering the room, suddenly stood up and spoke loudly.

When the special envoy saw Ximen, it was like Yang Bailao seeing Huang Shiren. He smiled wryly and said, "Simon, when did you become Miss Mo's manager? You are not..."

"One year after Miss Su disappeared, I signed a contract with Miss Mo's company and became her exclusive manager."

Ximen took the initiative to confess his rhythm of life, but made the special envoy's expression even more embarrassing.

"You mean that you train Ms. Mo as the successor of Queen Su?"

Simon smiled and said, "If you think so, I have no objection."

"But they..."

The special envoy looked at Mo Qiaoqiao repeatedly: she is indeed a beautiful and charming actress, with a good figure, good temperament, good face, good language skills, and has her own taste, but the difference between her and Su Qiao is also visible to the naked eye !
"I don't think she can be Su Qiao's 20-year-old stand-in. She has no similarities with the 20-year-old Su Qiao, except for her age."

"Everyone has their own temperament, and no one can be someone else's substitute." Su Qiao said, "I have no intention of being Su Qiao's substitute, and Lan Xier can't be Su Qiao's substitute either. Su Qiao is Su Qiao, Just like Mo Qiaoqiao is just Mo Qiaoqiao. Lan Xier can only be Lan Xier."


"If you can become Su Qiao just by looking alike, then why don't you find Su Qian?"

Su Qiao's words turned sharply, leaving the proud special envoy speechless again.

"Miss Mo..."

"That's why I like her." Wang Jiaquan said, "Her appearance is not neutral, but her temperament is very neutral. She knows how to insist on herself better than most people, and she is better than most people. All people know better what they are. This kind of persistence and uniqueness is the reason why I insist on using her as the heroine."

He pressed the conference table with both hands, and said, "If you still insist on using Lan Xier, then the commercial director—please ask someone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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