I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 486 Grab the Global Endorsement

Chapter 486 Grab the Global Endorsement (5)

Wang Jiaquan's insistence forced the special envoy of the headquarters to back down. He regretfully said to Lan Xi'er, "I'm sorry to let you make this trip for nothing, but next time, we will definitely—"

"I believe!"

Lan Xi'er endured tears and grievances, and left the room generously.

Su Qiao also left the conference room.The next step is professional business negotiation, which should be handed over to professional people—such as Simon.

But Lan Xier didn't think so.

When she saw Su Qiao leaving the room after her, she immediately felt resentful, put her fists on her chest, and said, "Are you chasing after me specially to see my joke?"

"I want to see your jokes, why are you outside the conference room?"

Su Qiao took the water from the secretary and said to Lan Xier, "As a new generation, your strength is astonishing."

"But I still lost to you, the second-generation star!"

Lan Xier looked at Su Qiao unhappily: "Tell me, who is the person behind you! What kind of power is it that can settle Wang Jiaquan and Mr. Simon so easily! What kind of benefits did they take from you? Why? You work so hard!"

Su Qiao said: "I didn't make any promises to them, I just showed them me. They were optimistic about my potential and decided to help me."

"Ha! Hehe!"

Lan Xi'er laughed three times, stepped on her high heels and left.

The secretary whispered to Su Qiao, "Miss Mo, you were too sharp just now."

Su Qiao turned her head and said, "But I have crazy capital!"

The secretary fell silent.


The contract was all drawn up, and Su Qiao went downstairs with Wang Jiaquan and the special envoy of the headquarters to attend the press conference.

At the reception, the reporters routinely asked Wang Jiaquan why he was willing to direct a perfume commercial, and boldly used newcomers instead of queens and queens.

Wang Jiaquan glanced at Su Qiao and said, "Because she can give me inspiration."

"Please explain in detail!"

The reporters smelled dog blood and were as excited as sharks seeing blood.

Wang Jiaquan said: "She is my latest muse. Her appearance and temperament give me endless inspiration. When I saw her, I already had a draft of this advertisement in my heart! The draft that only she can complete !"

"Then it may happen to you because of work—I mean, Director Wang, you may turn to the real body of the goddess because of your love for the goddess..."

Wang Jiaquan's face darkened.

He angrily interrupted the reporter's rhetoric, saying: "Art and reality are two different things. The woman I love is the woman in the lens, the woman in my dream! The woman in reality is just the muse in my dream who gave me the dream. Tools, how can I have feelings for tools! Then unnecessary things happen!"


The reporter hastily apologized.

Su Qiao also picked up the microphone and said, "I am very honored to be the tool chosen by Director Wang's goddess."

"Excuse me, Ms. Mo, what do you think of the rumor that the company originally planned to use digital technology to synthesize 20-year-old Su Qiao as the spokesperson for the perfume?"

The reporter attacked again.

Wang Jiaquan's face became even more gloomy.

Su Qiao smiled sweetly and said, "But I was the one who won the endorsement in the end."

The reporter froze.

He did not give up and asked: "Miss Mo means - you have surpassed the 20-year-old Su Qiao?"

This is a trap, if Su Qiao nods and says "yes", she will offend all those who miss Su Qiao and be labeled as arrogant and ignorant.If she said "no", it would be equivalent to slapping the brand on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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