I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 522 How could this happen!

Chapter 522 How could this happen! (2)

After being betrayed in her previous life, Su Qiao has long since stopped expecting family affection, not to mention Long Jiuzhong is a hero, how could she directly recognize Mo Qiaoqiao as her daughter just because she is Mo Yanran's daughter? "Use the test report to let the people in the dragon group accept you" is just an excuse fabricated by the man to cover up his suspicion.

But since he admitted her identity, there's no need for her to cling to the details.

She looked at Long Jiuzhong and asked, "Young Master Yu and I are really—"

"It's absolutely true, truer than gold." Long Jiuzhong said, "But just like what he said to you before, love between blood relatives is not unlawful. As long as you don't make children, I don't care about anything."

"My identity is not suitable for having offspring," Gongzi Yu said, "On the issue of children, you just need to rest assured, big brother."

"That's good!"

Long Jiuheaved a sigh of relief.

Su Qiao stood upside down with hair all over her body.

"Don't you think this is absurd!" she said, "You lost your biological daughter for 20 years, and your half-brother insisted that it was the rebirth of a lover he failed! And your first reaction was to ask Make them perfect! Tell them not to have children! You...you..."

Su Qiao felt an indescribable shock.

Long Jiuzhong said: "Whether rebirth is true or not, only Ah Yu and you know. There are only three things I can be sure of. Mo Yanran and I had a daughter, and this daughter's name is Mo Qiaoqiao, who was identified by Ah Yu." the person I like."

"So you support us being together?"

Su Qiao didn't understand Long Jiuzhong's logic more and more.

Long Jiuzhong said: "The basis of family affection is day-to-day contact. Although blood can bring two strangers together, it is not as good as... Qiaoqiao, say something that may make you unhappy, my feelings for you It's really not as good as the feelings for Ah Yu. He and I have been brothers for decades, but you and I have only known each other for dozens of days."

"I know," Su Qiao said, "family affection is based on time."

"So when I knew that Ah Yu liked you and believed that you were the rebirth of the woman he liked, my thoughts were very simple-Ah Yu is my important brother, you are my important daughter, and the most important thing in my life Two people love each other, of course I want to fulfill it!"

Long Jiuzhong's theory is impeccable.

"Even by blood—"

"Blood relationship has never been a problem. As long as no children are left behind, there is no moral barrier." Long Jiuzhong said, "Besides, it is impossible for Ah Yu to have children."

Su Qiao was completely speechless.

Young Master Yu lowered his head and said to Su Qiao, "Qiaoqiao, the last barrier that prevented us from being together is gone."

"No, the barriers still exist."

Su Qiao raised her head and looked into Young Master Yu's violet eyes: "I'm not Su Qiao! I don't love you!"

"It doesn't matter," the man said, "I think you are Su Qiao, as long as I love you!"

"What's the difference between your approach and Gong Yueming's! Forced love, forced identity, forced—"

"At least I won't force you like him," Gong Ziyu hugged her, "The most important thing is, whether you want to be Su Qiao or not, you are my niece! Similar blood flows in our veins! "

"So even if I don't admit my identity, you will—"

"Yes, the blood relationship is always cut off!"

Young Master Yu bit Su Qiao's ear: "Whether you like it or not, I will always be your uncle! Blood relationship prevents us from marrying and having children like ordinary couples, but we are forever connected. Ordinary people may think that this is Despair is a pity, but in my eyes... this is the most wonderful arrangement of fate!"

 This method of revenge comes from a short story written in the past. Wu Lin Zhengdao killed the wife of the devil, took away his only son, trained him as an assassin, and sent him to kill the devil (biological father) who is still looking for his own son...

(End of this chapter)

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